
Thursday, December 4, 2014

בעולמם של חרדים: נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן לוחם בשקר

בעולמם של חרדים: נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן לוחם בשקר

HH - this is from my youtube channel! -- so far I see that this generated about 80 views and $.20. NNNNM!

1 comment:

  1. While anti-Israel intolerant "activists" will try to falsely portray Israeli security action as supposed "racist," it's 100% false. It of course stems from facing/fighting radical racist Arab Islamic terror. Those that target civilians, who are exclusively Jews.


    MOST PERSECUTED GROUP IN ISRAEL ARE ACTUALLY CHAREDIM (which proves that division in that democratic country are cultural).

    Most Israelis want Orthodox parties out of government, survey says
    Sep 27, 2019 · Sixty-nine percent of respondents also said that support for religious freedom was a significant factor in their vote last week...


    Stop the Anti-Charedi Bias
    APR 26, 2020, 6:14 PM

    Given our current extraordinary circumstances, I have been following the Israeli English news much more consistently than is my norm. And I have been shocked by the wholesale maligning of the Charedi leadership, and in particular of Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, by so much of the mainstream Israeli media.  I am sure that the vast majority of my Charedi brethren are spending their time engaged in much loftier pursuits than reading the news, and that those few who have viewed such biased reporting do not wish to spend their time responding to unfounded attacks.  But I feel the need to call out these erroneous allegations, which appear intended to advance the media’s anti-Charedi agenda rather than do what the media is supposed to do in disseminating the news – simply report facts...

    Residents Claim Discrimination Over Closure of ultra-Orthodox City in Israel
    The Haredi city of Bnei Brak woke up Friday to a reality of checkpoints and police: 'They wouldn’t do such a closure for any secular city'
    Bar Peleg
    03.04.2020 | 23:06

    Owing the ultra-Orthodox an apology
    Suddenly, the discussion is no longer about the identity of the coronavirus carriers; no accusations are being flung at them for the way in which they choose to observe their Judaism.
    By  Ruthie Blum
     Published on  06-03-2020 18:06
     Last modified: 06-03-2020 13:06

    העובדה שהחרדים הם הכי מרגישים ובאמת הכי מופלים לרעה, מוכיח שההבדלים בישראל לא שייכים לגזע או גזענות, אלא על רקע תרבות.

    (וצעדי בטחון נגרמים לא בגלל "גזע", אלא ההיפך הוא הנכון, הם נגרמים דוקא בגלל קיצוניות ב'גזענות ערבית' המחפשים כמטרה לטרור רק אזרחים יהודים).


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!