
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Days of Thanksgiving


Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan (volume 2, Torah 2) that the days of Chanuka are days of praise and thanksgiving to HY. So take a little time to imagine what life was like 100 years ago in a rural village in Russia, and suddenly being visited by the Czar who bequeaths you with servants to provide you with whatever water you need - no more schlepping buckets, and now you have flowing water at your disposable - and hot and cold. Certainly you would make a little celebration feast. Imaging the Czar has an outhouse built right attached to your house - no more hiking out into fields to some disgusting etc. in the freezing cold... certainly you would make a little celebration feast. Imagine he has a tailor make comfortable clothings - you now have multiples sets of clothing and they fit well - certainly you would make a little celebration feast. Imagine the Czar bequeaths you with a little band to entertain you with whatever music you want to hear, whenever you want, certainly you would make a little celebration feast. Imaging that he has special lighting arranged in your house, a library, messengers at your beck and call.... these are just some of the amenities that we have today that in previous good times only monarchs had. In fact Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan (Torah 56) that every person has his own little monarchy, some people more than others, but everyone has a little kingdom - and back then when they heard this from Rabbainu they understood it theoretically and took it more on faith, but today we also merited to actually see the actuality and reality of Rabbainu's Torahs. Many Breslovers had a commitment to dedicate at least a full half hour a day to singing and dancing. So now is a very good and opportune time to start appreciating and start praising and thanksgiving, celebrate the goodness, sing and dance Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!