
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Healed from Sickness and from Tyranny


The Talmud (Nedarim 41a) says that someone who was sick, does not recuperate from their illness until all their sins are forgiven.

BH many people had the courage and integrity not to take the experimental deadly vac., and many of these people actually contracted cor. and fell sick, and ultimately recovered - forgiven for all their sins (-those who took the vac and still got stick brought upon themselves and the whole world Divine wrath). Someone forgiven for their sins would be free of the tyrannies of today's governments, however if a person does not have proper complete faith in Divine Providence they will fall into the general conduct of the world (-this is a big topic, not for here), but if enough people are absolved of sin, they themselves form a collective to be guided by a general conduct by Above. So BH since many people withstood this test and the plandemic, we can assume that they initiated a very favorable general conduct, and we can hope to see great alleviations of the evils of the tyranny we are experiencing today.   

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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