
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Safe space - October 30 - 2020

HH with all the madness going on now in the world, there is crazy pressure, financially, emotionally, and in every way. Even from the safety of my little enclave by the holy tzadikim, when I just peer out at what's going on out there my very being tenses up and it's like entering a pressure cooker.
Find yourself a safe spot - physically and emotionally, where you can escape and be alone with your Creator, to bond and pour out your heart.
Don't let the garbage media, murderous doctors, crazy-mad politicians or anyone else get to you, don't let them inside your head. Not even the people screaming out against the madness, because unfortunately they have fallen prey to their own devices. Just fortify yourself with faith and strong trust in the goodness of Hashem Yisburach who only does what is best for each and every one of us, down to the very last atom, everything is in exact place as He deems for our sake.
Sing Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman - Rabbainu revealed his name in this song special for our times, take advantage of invoking and releasing the power of Nanach into the world which is a powerful force of faith, joy, and holiness building strength and truth from under the darkness and craziness, until the truth will stand tall and erect and all the falsehood will fall away forever.
Stay strong, be cool, show others and lend others your strength. Tell them Nanach - save a life.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!