
Thursday, November 17, 2022

Blossoms of the Springs - Letter 102

 Letter 102


Baruch Hashem. 8[1] Nissan, [5]726 (Tue – 29 March, 1966).

May the light of the truth shine out from you to the whole earth, and you shall pay your vows to God in your lifetime.

In honor of the president of Israel, my heart and flesh, Mr. S. Z. Shazar – who’s glory and praise is going and growing from day to day, and they are saying, “There is no one so understanding and wise as him”; who put in his heart and all his vitality to come to the true hidden treasure, and all his desire and passion is to imbue this truth in the world – which is the main completeness of the redemption. May the light of the truth shine out from him to the whole earth, and he shall pay his vows to God in his lifetime.

I rejoice over your faithful blessing, over the love of your heart and the immenseness of your loving-kindness onto me with the amount of three-hundred Israeli Liras from the 8th day of Nissan; shout-outs of charming grace, charming grace to you. My eyes and heart are always raised to our Father in Heaven in prayer and entreaty until He will favor you, speed up your success on high, make you successful in all your actions, watch and save you and your household from all sorts of sicknesses; and He will heal you [plural] in body and soul for the length of good and healthy days and years.



Baruch Hashem. 10 Nissan, [5]726 (Thu – 31 March, 1966).

In honor of the president of Israel, my heart and flesh, Mr. S. Z. Shazar – who’s glory and praise is going and growing from day to day over this that he put his heart and all his vitality to come to the true hidden treasure, and all his desire and passion is to imbue this truth in the world. Blessing, life, and peace.

My heart inside of me shall exult and delight in great delights over your faithful blessing, over the love of your heart, and over the immense loving-kindness you so much added to me with the sum of three-hundred Israeli Liras from the 8th day of Nissan; shout-outs of charming grace, charming grace to you. My eyes and heart are raised to our Father in Heaven in prayer and entreaty so that He shall favor you, make you successful, watch, guard, and save you and your household from all sorts of sicknesses and harsh decrees; and He shall recuperate and heal you [plural] in body and soul for the length of good and healthy days and years, Amen.

[1] Here is a translation of two letters, one dated 8 Nissan, and the other 10 Nissan – with several variations (both are unsigned and appear to be unsent). In the Nekudos Tovos edition, both are combined into one letter.

For more letters

מכתב קב


ב"ה ח' י' ניסן תשכ"ו
ממך תאיר אור האמת לכל הארץ, ותשלם נדריך לה' בחייך.
לכבוד נשיא ישראל ליבי ובשרי מר ש.ז.שזר, אשר תפארתו ושבחו הולך וגדול מיום ליום, ואומרים אין נבון וחכם כמוהו, אשר שם אל ליבו וכל חיותו לבוא למטמון האמת, וכל תאותו ותשוקתו להכניס האמת הזה בעולם, שהוא עיקר שלמות הגאולה. ממנו תאיר אור האמת לכל הארץ, וישלם נדריו לה' בחייו. ברכה וחיים ושלום.

שש אנכי, ליבי בקרבי ישמח ויתענג בתענוגים גדולים, על ברכתך הנאמנה ועל אהבת ליבך וגודל חסדך שהוספת עלי כל כך בהסך שלוש מאות לירות ישראליות מיום ח' ניסן, תשואות חן חן לך. עיני וליבי בתפילה ובקשה אל אבינו שבשמים נשואות בתפילה ובקשה, עד שיחננך ויחיש הצלחתך למעלה, ויצליחך בכל מעשיך, וישמור וינצור ויציל אותך ואת ביתך מכל מיני חלאים וגזרות קשות, ויביריא וירפא אתכם בגוף ובנפש לאורך ימים ושנים טובים ובריאים אמן.

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