
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Israel takes the lead over the US


About 30 years ago, someone told me that the Israeli society, the atmosphere, the styles, fads and so forth, trailed the US by like 10 years. That was right around when the at&t monopoly was just broken and telephone calls between Israel and US went down from a dollar a minute to a few cents, may all the evil cartels be destroyed very soon, amen. Then, it was easy to spot an American amongst Israeli, or an Israeli amongst Americans. With the advent of internet the differences became much less, and it became a challenge to try to guess if someone was one or the other, of course some people remained obvious, but many could easily pass for either. Today it looks like the tides have actually turned. Especially post covid, america languishes still under the oppression, you even need to get the poison in order to enter the country, and the entire country are slaves to the nearly absolute corruption of the deep state. Israel has a great deal of corruption as well, especially the supreme court, but they are emerging much more sane than then their counterparts. Recent elections showed that a great majority of voters empowered their politicians to be pro Torah, pro sanity, whereas the recent american elections showed that a very slim majority wishing to be free. The effects of tens of millions of people on pot and other drugs, alcohol, atheism, sexual degeneratism, and all the moral decline has set in strong. BH Israel will rise and grow stronger and stronger, as the teachings of Rabbainu proliferate and guide and build the nation. America and all the nations will have to do their best to follow. It is true that American Jews still massively fund Israeli charities, and that is their great merit, but even here we are seeing many wealthy people whose wealth is international - today this is common, and also Israel already is growing a big list of their own millionaires. 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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