
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The real Amulaik

HH Know the true enemy Amulaik, may his name be blotted out!
Likutay Halachos, Orach Chaim, Laws of Shabbos 5:9, "And if this true tzaddik of every generation would be revealed in the world, and the whole world would be truly drawn close to him, the world would already be rectified. Because this tzaddik has the power to rectify the whole world, if they didn't hide and conceal him. However, in every generation and generation there is the aspect of the wars of (-against) Amulaik, and the main war of Amulaik, may his name be blotted out, is exclusively specifically against this true tzaddik who is the the "Roash <head of> Ba-yis <the house>" etc.. Because the klipa (-husk- evil force) of Amulaik is pleased to have Israel draw close to all the heads of the world, even heads that have a part in holiness, that are somewhat kosher men, and even if they are tzaddikim, just that they still have in them some grip of the bad, and they don't have the power to take Israel out of bad to good. Therefore Amulaik is content for all these heads to be greats and famous with prestigious names (-reputations) in the world, and that they should have great elevated status. And his entire evil intention is only in order to hide through this the name of the true "Roash Ba-yis <Head of the House>, who is the head of all the heads of the world, and he is the true "Baal Haba-yis (-Master of the House)" of the world, for the main rectification of all the people in the world to return to Hashem Yisburach is specifically through him etc.."
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman!

1 comment:

  1. HH Likutay Halachos, Choashen Mishpat, Laws of Buying and Selling 3:11, “And even totally righteous tzaddikim, not all of them merit to completely break the aspect of the left, and therefore everyone needs to receive from one another (“this one from this one, and this one from this one”), until they all receive from the true head whom is in each generation and generation, who is the tzaddik of the generation, who is “chad bidura ,” who merited to the point of truth, to utterly break the body, who unites everything to its root etc.. That is, because even great people and tzaddikim, not all of them merit that their learning goes up to the Shechina (-Divine Presence), because few are those who merit to this, and therefore everyone needs, in every generation and generation to bind themselves to the tzaddik of the generation, for then they merit that the tzaddik will receive their Torah and make from it Torah novelties, and then their Torah and their learning returns and is included in the Shechina through the tzaddik etc..”). NNNNM!


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!