
Wednesday, December 28, 2022


About a year ago, my son read the following joke in a Hebrew children's magazine: 

A Breslover (probably a Nanach) comes to a gas station. The attendant there asks him, "Ashrai?", and he answers, "Ashrecha!"

Of course, "ashrai" means a credit card in Hebrew, and the attendant just wanted to know how his customer was going to pay. But it's also possible to understand "Ashrai?" as a question: "Am I happy?", to which the Breslover responds, "Yes, you're happy!"

I really like this simple joke and think of it often. It reminds me that an important part of the Breslov way of life is being b'simcha: happy, upbeat, and optimistic.

So it would probably be a good idea to ask ourselves at least once a day, "Ashrai?" And hopefully, most days we'll be able to answer with a hearty, "Ashrecha!"



  1. HH yes. unfortunately, the more people go into debt with their credit cards the last chance they have of being happy, and the happier people are, the less chance they have of going in debt....
    Na Nach Nachma Nachman Mayuman

  2. But ditching credit cards is not a solution. The real madregah is using credit cards, but still being happy and not going into debt. Like Rabbeinu said that a person who keeps money around is on a higher level than one who gives away all their money before going to sleep.


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!