
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Google seemingly goes against the Talmud in tomorrow's daf yomi

The other day I asked Google to set an alarm for x amount of minutes, and as soon as I said the amount I immediately gave a different number, and Google chose to go with the second number. 

The Talmud in Nedarim 69b brings a dispute between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yossi regarding someone who says two different terms, Rabbi Meir says that only the first is effective, and Rabbi Yossi says both come into effect. and it would seem that if the second term is completely contradicting the first, even Rabbi Yossi would agree to Rabbi Meir that only the first would come to effect. 

The Talmud understood that this would apply also to someone making a vow.

It could be that in the case of giving instructions is different. 

Subsequently learning Nedarim 87a and Nazir 33a - it is determined that if one fixes what he said immediately - toach kiday deeboor - it is like he said it originally. So google was in fact correct.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Mayuman

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