
Saturday, December 31, 2022


For a long time, I couldn't understand the idea developed by Rabbeinu in Torah 51: that there is only one truth, but there can be many different kinds of lies. For example, the only true way to describe a silver vessel is to say that it's made of silver, but there can be many false ways to describe it. For example, one can say that it's made of gold, copper, steel... almost ad infinitum.

Well, I could agree that it might be the case with objects. Yet human beings are much more multifaceted. For example, there can be a businessman who is also a father, a husband, a son, a community member, a citizen... also ad infinitum! Who is to say which facet of his personality is truer than all the others?

And then, during a particularly successful hisbodedus, I understood. Human beings, especially Jews, can be compared to crystals with a lot of different facets, none of which is truer than the next. Yet there is also an inner point of truth inside of every person, which is the real truth about them. The only problem is that in most people, this point of truth is undefined and, indeed, hardly ever felt. But we as Jews, and particularly as Breslovers, we should be more aware of this inner point. If we really merit, we will define it as being servants of Hashem and true chassidim of Rabbeinu.

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