
Friday, January 13, 2023


My favorite bumper sticker (which I think is a Breslov one) is "Present Perfect". Seemingly just the name of a tense in grammar, it can also be understood to mean that the present moment is perfect exactly the way it is. I love that!

Yet if I were making Breslov bumper stickers, I'd probably add a few more tenses:

- "Present Simple": "Don't complicate matters; take each moment as it comes, with temimus and     peshitus."

- "Present Continuous": "Life is constantly moving on, so don't get stuck in the past and learn to go     with  the flow."

Or, using a different name for the same tense:

- "Present Progressive": "You must constantly go from level to level, so check if you're doing it right   now."

But my favorite sticker would probably be: 

- "Present Perfect Progressive": "When will your life become perfect? - When you learn to    constantly advance, to always go from level to level."

When I used to teach English, my favorite subject was grammar. But now I find "Breslov grammar" much more fascinating!

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