
Saturday, January 21, 2023


Chapter 4 of Tehillim ends with the words, "You, Hashem, enable me to dwell alone and secure".

Reb Noson explains in "Likutei Halochos" ("Birkas HaShachar 5") that the word "alone" ("levadad" in Hebrew) is related to the practice of hisbodedus, talking privately to Hashem. He says that hisbodedus is all about realizing that you have nowhere to hide from all the troubles of this world - only in Hashem's Arms, so to speak. When you truly feel that, you stop frantically looking for solutions and run to Hashem instead, telling Him everything and asking Him to take care of you. This is precisely what gives you security.

I've tried to get a taste of this very very lofty state by looking at the word "levadad" ("לבדד"). Its first two letters make up the word "lev"("לב"), which means "the heart" in Hebrew. The last two letters, which are two "dalets", together have the gematria of 8, and can be understood as pointing to the sefirah of Binah -  the eighth sefirah if we count from the bottom up. This brings us to the famous phrase from the "Zohar": "Binah libah" ("Binah is the heart"). 

So this state of being totally secure with Hashem can be found in the deepest depths of the heart, to which this phrase probably refers. Moreover, the sefirah of Binah is related to World- to-Come, and this is when we will all merit to finally find shelter with Hashem. Yet a person who feels this way through following the advice of Rabbeinu can get a taste of the future right now.

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