
Saturday, January 7, 2023


In Breslov anthologies, such as "Otzar HaYirah", information on hisbodedus often appears under the heading, "Hisbodedus and Yishuv HaDaas". This later term can be translated as "settling the mind". So after a successful hisbodedus, a person's mind should be more settled than before it.

Yet how is it possible to see if this is indeed the case? Today I found one possible answer in "Kitzur Shulchan Aruch", in the chapter on proper character traits and derech eretz. There the author states that different people can have very different natures, for example, "there is a person whose mind is settled so he doesn't get angry at all".

So, if after practicing hisbodedus for a while, you continue to get angry just as often and as easily as before, this means that probably your hisbodedus leaves much to be desired. That is, today I found that my hisbodedus leaves much to be desired, and I have a very long way to go. But at least I know in which direction.

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!