
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Pidyon Nefesh - Redemption of the Soul by means of charity for spreading Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

I am hereby binding myself through this Pidyon Nefesh to all the true righteous ones in our generation and to all the true righteous ones who are deceased, the holy ones that are buried in the ground, and specifically to our rabbi who is holy and righteous, a foundation of the world, a flowing stream, a source of wisdom, our Rabbi, Nachman the son of Faiga, son of Simcha, NA NACH NACHMA NACHMAN MEUMAN, and to all the true tzadikim dwellers of the dust, the holy ones whom are in the earth, may their merit protect us and over all of Yisroel, Amen!

Take some Tzaddakah money (designated for the dissemination of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman). Hold it with 2 hands. and say the following inserting full name where asked.

Ma`OT - The money is
"v'et ha-y'kum asher b'ragleihem - the money that [kept them] on their feet" [Deut. 11:6]; "tzeked yikraehu l'raglo - Heavenly charity being summoned for his [Avraham's (see Rashi)] every footstep [Isa. 41: 2].
"Tzedek malkhuta kadisha - righteousness is elevated kingship."
"Dina d'makhuta dina - The law of the land is the law."
The root of the dinim/strict decrees is Binah/understanding.
"I am Binah, power is mine" [Prov. 8:14].
A decree can only be sweetened at its root.
There are three "hands" in Binah:
The great hand (Chesed/kindness),
The strong hand (Gevurah/Strength),
The high hand (Tiferet/Beauty).
Three times YaD (hand) has gematria of the 42-Letter Name.
42 in the world of Yetzirah is the name Ana Bekoach.
42 in the world of Creation is two times E-H-Y-H [do not pronounce the names].
42 in the world of Emanation is Y-H-W-H with its filling [Yod-He-Waw-He] and the filling of the filling [YodWawDlt-HeAlf-WawAlfWaw-HeAlf] [Total=42 letters].
May there be a will before You that the judgements and harsh powers shall become sweetened from {upon so-and-so the son of so-and-so} through the Wonder on high (NNNNM), Who is great loving-kindness and complete and simple mercy - which there isn't in Him any mixture of judgment whatsoever. Amen.
Pidyon sweetens harsh decrees, and it saves from all afflictions, because healings is mainly via pidyon specifically, because "v'rapo yerapeh/heals completely" [Ex. 21:19] (with 2 added for the words) is gematria of "pidyon Nefesh" (LM 2 #3).
May it find favour before You that all the harsh decrees and severities be sweetened from upon {upon so-and-so the son of so-and-so} by the Supreme Wonder (Pele Elion) who is great loving kindness, complete and simple mercy with no admixture of severity at all. King, Redeemer and Helper; rescuer and savior, and sustainer and answerer and who is merciful at all times of distress and suffering; have compassion on the sick person {upon so-and-so the son of so-and-so}. Redeem him speedily from all his distress, from all kinds of illnesses and affliction and aches and pains. Sweeten and nullify all the harsh decrees from upon him in the merit of the money for her redemption. Have mercy upon us and consider the money that is given me as if the money had reached the hands of the holy tzaddikim who know how to do the redemption and thus to sweeten and cancel all the harsh decrees by taking into their hands the money in which the severe decrees have a hold. Therefore I give over my hands and all the intentions of my heart and mind to those tzaddikim. May my actions be considered as their actions, my hands as their hands and my mouth as their mouth. And let their intentions have our good in mind so as to redeem us properly through this money which came into my hands; may they sweeten and nullify all the harsh decrees from upon {upon so-and-so the son of so-and-so} in their heavenly source, in the supernal Binah. And may the harsh decrees from This World of Asiyah be sweetened by the three hands (right, left and both clasped together) in the world of Yetzirah which add up to fortytwo (three hands multiplied by forteen joints on each hand) which correspond to the initial letters in the prayer of Rebbe Nachunia ben Hakana, 'Anna Bekoach': -
Anna bekoach, gedulas yemincha tatir tzerora -We beg You, with the strength of the greatness of Your right hand untie the bundle (of our sins).
Kabel rinas amcha, sagvenu tahreinu nora - Accept the song of Your People; strengthen us, purify us o Awesome One
Na Gibor dorshei yichudcha k'vavat shamrem - Please Strong One, those who search for Your Oneness, like the pupil of an eye, guard them.
Barchem taharem, rachamem tzickatcha tamid gamlem - Bless them, purify them, show them mercy, may Your righteousness always reward them.
Chasin, Kadosh b'rov tovcha nahel adatecha - Powerful Holy One with Your abundant goodness, guide Your congregation.
Yachid Geyeh, L'amcha p'nai zochrei k'dushatecha - Unique One, Exalted One, to Your People turn, to those who proclaim Your holiness.
Shavateinu, kabel u'shma tza'akateineu yodea talumot - Accept our screams and hear our cries knower of mysteries.
Baruch Shem k'vod malchoto l'olam va-edd - Blessed is the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.
And in the world of Beriyah may all the harsh decrees be sweetened through the three hands which allude to the two Names of God. (Ehyeh, 21 YHV 21) that add up to forty-two. And in Atzilut they will be sweetened by the Name YHVH, in its simple four-letter form, its expanded form and its expanded expansion, which add up to fortytwo. Please, have mercy Merciful One on this sick person Arouse all the three hands in the Supernal Binah in all the Three worlds, Atzilut, Beriyah and Yetzirah. These three hands are called 'the great hand, 'the strong hand' and 'the high hand' and through this sweeten and nullify all the harsh decrees in This World of Asiyah from upon this sick person and from all the Jewish People and redeem this person quickly from all the troubles and all the harsh judgments that were decreed upon him even if it is after the decree has been sealed and send him a full cure speedily from Heaven, a spiritual cure and a physical cure, together with all sick ones of the Jewish People; and show me and teach me at all times when someone brings me money for a redemption, that I merit to know exactly how much money this person needs to give for his redemption, according to the harsh decrees that have a hold on him. Also have mercy on the person who brings the money so that he will not be miserly but rather he will give enough so that all the harsh decrees will leave him and reach and to rise to the three holy and supernal hands and let the decrees be sweetened in their heavenly source in Supernal Bina. For it is clear and known for You that I do not know how to behave in this matter. The One full of Mercy, have compassion on this poor generation for which there is no one who can stand up for us. Have mercy on all the People of Israel, the Jewish People and on this sick person and sweeten and nullify all the harsh decrees from upon him and from upon all the Jewish People. Cure him speedily. Bring him a full recovery. Return him to his former strength and enliven him in the near future and arouse his heart to really return to You. Be full of mercy towards him for You are the Master of compassion. Redeem the Jewish People, Israel from all its troubles for we have no-one to rely on other than Our Father in Heaven, as it says: "Israel will hope to the Lord for loving kindness is with the Lord and much redemption and He will redeem the Jewish People from all its iniquities". Amen. So may it be Your will.

Translated by Eliyahu Levine

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!