
Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Torah 17 begins with the words, "It is impossible to receive fear and love (of Hashem) except through the tzaddikim of the generation." Of course, there could be a number of ways to understand this statement, so here is my own, based on my personal experience.

For me, it's an important distinction that Rabbeinu doesn't say, "It's impossible to have fear and love except through being attached to tzaddikim." Because I've seen enough people in the Litvish world who really do have these fear and love, and I don't think that, as a Breslover, I'm required to believe that they're necessarily faking it. So if a person grew up in a good frum family and in a good frum neighborhood, I suppose they can receive these qualities with their mother's milk, or in some other similarly easy and natural way.

But what about someone who, like me, grew up in Moscow, Russia, in a lower-class neighborhood with practically no Jews around but with plenty of Anti-Semitism? My experience shows that, even if they merit to do teshuvah, it can only be pretty superficial. Their only fear of Hashem is going to be, as I recently heard it expressed, "a fear of what Hashem can do to me". And as for love, there is simply nothing to talk about.

Such a person would need to receive these fear and love from someone, and I'm practically sure that this "someone" can only be Rabbeinu. There might be other great tzaddikim in our generation, but I've never encountered them.

So again, it does seem possible to have fear and love of Hashem even without attachment to tzaddikim. But if, for some reason, you don't have them, then probably Rabbeinu is your only hope.


  1. HH Rabbainu is Rosh Binay Yisroel - all of Israel, everyone, and he builds the Temple for everyone, and he looks after and takes care of everyone, even his biggest detractors and haters. There is no way around him or taking him out of the picture.
    The vilna gaon said that real love and fear of HY only comes straight from HY. By simple algebra this means that if the VG would have seen Rabbainu he would have thought that he was HY (similar to what Rabbi Nachman Hordenker told his sister about the Bal Shem Tov - if you would know what I know about him you would think.. but BH I have more daas and I know he is only a servant of HY).
    Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

  2. Then could you please explain how my Litvish friends got their love and fear of Hashem? And I'm not prepared to accept that their love and fear are fake because I clearly know otherwise.


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!