
Saturday, January 14, 2023


There is a short declaration that many Breslover chassidim say every morning called "Mesirus Hatenu'os". It consists of giving over all our actions and all that happens to us during the day to Hashem. 

A while ago Simcha Nanach wrote that this declaration could be understood as a practical manifestation of the fourth and highest level of bitachon discussed in "The Guide to Serving G-d" by Rabbi Avraham, the son of the Rambam. Rabbi Avraham called this level "hafkadah" ("complete entrustment"), explaining it as a person casting away their own desires completely and being totally prepared to accept the Will of Hashem.

This idea touched me deeply because, when I tried to learn Rabbi Avraham's sefer a few years ago, I was particularly struck by the chapter about this highest level of bitachon. Still, before I became a Breslover, his words couldn't show me the way; I was as far from trusting Hashem and relying on Him, let alone relying completely, as you could possibly imagine. 

Then I learned that this was something that true Breslovers were supposed to practice every morning! And I realized, of course, that I still had a long a way to go. While saying this nusach has already changed my life in a major way, I am still very far from total reliance.

I would say that this idea serves as a makif of sorts - a level of understanding and being that I know is there but that I cannot internalize yet. Rabbeinu says in Torah 21 that a makif, despite being out of bounds just yet, still gives life force and inspiration to a person.

Besides, I know that I have to strive for that level. If true Breslover chassidim are supposed to attain it very morning, then count me in!

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!