
Tuesday, January 3, 2023


In Torah 8 Rabbeinu says that the way to fill all that one lacks is through deep sighing before Hashem, while in Torah 21 he reveals that the lacks are filled through attaining daas (knowledge and awareness of Hashem).

It occurred to me that these two pieces of advice are actually very close. After all, our main lack, whether we realize it or not, is that we don't feel Hashem's Presence in our life in the way that would give us comfort and peace. But, of course, Hashem knows this, so when we sigh before Him about our lacks, He helps us to draw down daas. And even if our actual situation doesn't change, or doesn't change immediately, it's we who change. Suddenly, we prefer living with Hashem to living with our fantasies about how life should be. This is the gift of daas. As our sages say, "If you have acquired daas, what can you possibly lack?"

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!