
Thursday, January 5, 2023


When I first read the chapter on obstacles in Rav Shimshon Barsky's commentary on "Likutei Eitzos", I remember getting really irritated. He begins with the following, "There are many mitzvos you want to do. You have a number of spiritual goals, like having more awe of Hashem."

I felt like saying (yelling, actually), "Well, don't tell me who I am and what I want! Right now I don't feel even a bit of what you're describing."

But as time when by, I realized, of course, that Rav Barsky was not lecturing me personally but rather describing what a true Breslover chassid was supposed to be like. So I felt more and more that I wanted to fall in line with his vision, to conquer my inner emptiness and get to the stage of true yearning. I still have a long way to go, but, baruch Hashem, now I do have a few spiritual goals that I really want to reach. And whenever I once again start feeling apathetic about them, I reread Rav Barsky's words and remind myself that I do want to be a true Breslover.

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