
Thursday, February 16, 2023


Everyone knows that "life begins at fifty". I think that this can be understood to mean that real life starts only upon reaching the Fiftieth Gate of Holiness, which, as it says in "Hishtapkus HaNefesh", can be achieved through hisbodedus and saying Tehillim. Then a person receives a special light that allows them to do teshuvah. This ties in with what Rabbeinu says in Torah 6, that doing teshuvah is called "ana zamin lemehavei" (I'm preparing to live").

So all we have to do is spend a lot of hisbodedus and say a lot of Tehillim. Then, if we merit, we will reach the Fiftieth Gate of Holiness, and life will start in earnest. Hopefully, before we turn fifty, but if not, so what? After all, Rabbeinu said that it's forbidden to be old!

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!