
Monday, March 6, 2023

Song for Likutay Moharan Vol 2 Torah-teaching 17 by Eliyahu Mahgerefteh

Likutei Moharan II, Torah 17- Delight In Shabbat

It's important to be happy on Shabbat
Shabbat's holiness is at the very top
You should read the book "Reishit Chocmah"
And take to heart its Shabbat dictums
Don't show depression on this day
Rather celebrate eating a tasty cake
The eating and drinking is all holy
Much higher than food of the week
Bless me to happy on the Sabbath
To live life in the ways of bliss
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman 😊🤙🤙

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!