
Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Reb Noson promises in "Likutei Halochos" ("Betzias HaPas 5") that learning Torah regularly and persistently will enable any person, no matter who they are and how far from holiness they feel, to overcome all the obstacles and enter the realm of kedusha and serving Hashem. These obstacles are created by a person's sins (and sometimes by bad habits), preventing them not only from coming close to Hashem but also from genuine inner peace. But when a person is able to get all these obstacles out of the way, they enter a state known as "שלום בעצמי" - "peace in my bones". This is a state of total harmony: between body and soul, between the person's own will and the Will of Hashem.

Once again, the key to attaining all this is regular Torah study. Indeed, the phrase "שלום בעצמי" - "peace in my bones" has the same numerical value as the word "קביעות" - "permanence, regularity".

Hashem is so kind that He has placed in the Hebrew words and letters a constant stream of ideas that can help us strengthen ourselves in all the holy matters we are trying to achieve. The only thing we have to do is look!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. תודה, אבל איך זה עוזר להבין מה עלינו לעשות?

  3. HH sorry that gematria was way off, i deleted it. 588 = בהפתק, with the inclusive. the way to attain peace is with the holy petek of Na Nach Nachma Nachman Mayuman

  4. HH also bear in mind that SHALOM is gematria Rabbainu Na NaCh!

  5. It seems to me that "בהפתק" is not good Hebrew. The right way to say that would be "בפתק".

  6. HH you are correct regarding modern Hebrew - but in the holy books i think we find this often - this is something i discovered when i published my first sefer, someone proofread it and made so many corrections of this sort, ao i checked and found that the holy books do write this way. that was many years ago, maybe it could use more research. NNNNNM


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!