
Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Shavuos corresponds to the Fiftieth Gate of Holiness, as is known. Rabbeinu teaches in Torah 56 that men reach that level by going to the mikveh on Shavuos morning, after spending the whole night studying Torah.

But what about women? I don't think that, for us, the way to the Fiftieth Gate is through making cheesecakes, necessary as they might be. But if we spend some quality time on Shavuos saying Reb Noson's "Likutei Tefilos", which, as he said, correspond to the Fiftieth Gate, we will probably also get there.

So there really is no despair in the world! Anyone who wants to find holiness, can surely find it, although the methods might be different.


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!