
Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Today I went to the Sanhedria cemetery here in Yerushalaim, to pray at kivrei tzaddikim and to do hisbodedus.

As I was walking among the tombstones (no, it's not morbid at all!), the inscription on one of them caught my attention. It said, "שולמית באומן", which I read as, "Shulamit in Uman". For a moment, I was puzzled, "How can it say that she is in Uman when, in fact, she is right here in Yerushalaim?" Then I realized, of course, that what I'd thought was a location was really that lady's last name - "Bauman".

Then, as I was waiting for a bus to go home, I heard a young man yell into his cellphone, "Rabbeinu, ma nishma?" ("Rabbeinu, how are you doing?")

If you hit the right wavelength, then Rabbeinu and Uman are going to be with you wherever you are and wherever you go.

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!