
Friday, June 9, 2023


In the book "Yekara deShabbata", written be the Rav from Cherin (one of the two chief disciples of Reb Noson, every Torah in "Likutei Moharan" is explained as it relates to Shabbos. The chapter on Torah 8, in which Rabbeinu shows how the ruach chaim ("breath of life") received from the tzaddik is the way to fill all that is lacking, begins with the following words, "Shabbos means filling the lacks". 

I was deeply touched by this sentence the moment I first read it, but recently I discovered an interesting spin on this idea in the gematrias. The numerical value of the phrase "שלמות החסרונות" ("filling the lacks") is 1511, almost the same as the gematria of "קדושת שבת" ("the holiness of Shabbos"), which is 1512. This means that with the kollel (adding one) these gematrias are exactly the same! Considering how big both these gematrias are, this can hardly be a coincidence.

What's more, I feel there is a deep lesson in this. It is not day of Shabbos per se that fills all the lacks, it is specifically the holiness of Shabbos. It is not enough to don festive clothes, relax, and eat good food. True, these things can be holy but only if we make them holy by seeking the special connection to Hashem that they can give us. And, of course, it is vitally important to make Torah and prayer our primary focus on Shabbos. It is only then that all our lacks will be filled and we will achieve the desired shleimus.

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