
Monday, June 12, 2023

The awesome holy kingdom of HY


Years ago a summer camp made a big project building a miniature replica of the Temple. They celebrated it's completion, and came Tisha Bi-av, they lit on fire and burned it down. Quite the lesson.

However beautiful their model was in resemblance to the Temple, it obviously didn't touch the actual beauty, splendor, and grandeur of the actual Temple, nor could they capture at all the miraculous atmosphere which presided, as we are taught in Avos of the daily miracles which took place in the Temple. 

The holy Temple itself was just an exterior physical seat for the Divine Merkava. Holy books such as the Haichulos of Rabbi Yishmuel, parts of the Zohar, and Bris Menucha give a glimpse of description of the actual spiritual merkava, whose power and beauty is indescribable, as it gives life and existence to all of creation. No power or force in the world could touch it. Just the purveyance of philosophy, occult, injustice, lust and so forth, poured forth torrents of putrid impurity, and the Merkava went into exile.  This is the backwards existence of today, when the most precious truth and beauty is hidden and blocked out by the rule of the putrid. The tragedy here is unfathomable, and one is required to mourn this infinite travesty. (The Sages warned that upon recounting the greatness of the true kingdom of HY there must not be any knives present, because the utter anguish can lead to great danger). In one second, the entire hierarchy and building of the evil empire will be nullified and disappeared by the true kingdom of HY.

Even still, even today, one can merit to live in the true paradigm of the awesome holy kingdom, if one falls the holy measures of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!