
Monday, June 12, 2023

When it is impossible to go to Uman


After King Shlomo the nation of Israel was split between his son and Yiruvum ben Nivut. Yiruvam could have been Messiah but he turned it down because he would have been second place to King Dovid, and he wanted to be first. Yiruvam feared he would lose his constituents if they would make the pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem, so he set up border patrols to prevent anyone from attempting to pilgrimage. To compensate he set up two idols and made a special festival for them in the month of Cheshvon - corresponding to the holiday of Succos celebrated the month before in Tishray. 

Saba Yisroel passed away on the 18th of Cheshvon which in Yeruvam's holiday is the corresponding day to the 18th day of Tishray, the fourth day of Succos - the day Rabbainu passed away. Rabbainu was a direct descendant of Dovid. This would point to Saba being a tikun for Yeruvam. If this assertion is correct, it would shed a great deal of light on all those who claim to follow Saba and refuse to go to Uman  and proclaim Saba to be messiah (even though Saba himself mocked chabad saying explicitly that after their rabbi was dead it was ridiculous, also there is a recording of Saba saying explicitly messiah has yet to come) - they are stuck in the sin of Yiruvam. 

The Sages said that Hoshaya ben Ailu, the last king of the 10 tribes, abolished the border patrol, and this caused the final decree of exile, because even though the people were no longer prevented from making the pilgrimage, they still did not, and that brought upon them the final decree of exile.

Based on that, i have various thoughts and insights regarding the recent closure of Uman, which made it just about impossible for me and for many others to make it to Uman for two years. See Chayay Moharan 354 the great tragedy of those who know Rabbainu and don't fulfill his guidance. Which means that the merit of going to Uman brings with it the huge responsibility of better fulfilling Rabbainu's directives, like getting up for midnight and attempting to spend the most of day doing hisbodidus. 

Na Nach Nachma Nachman Mayuman

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