
Monday, August 28, 2023

The Greatness of HY


Rabbainu spoke of the importance of contemplating the greatness of HY. This avoda is placed prominently at the beginning of the holy work Sichos Huran. In Likutay Moharan, Rabbainu states that one who has achieved any conception of the greatness of HY will scoff at the greatest temptations of the flesh, and even if he were to be presented with an opportunity to privately fulfill the most lustful cravings, he would not even consider it.

In the story of ancient times, of the son of a king and a son of a maidservant who were exchanged, the son of the king comes to a certain level of understanding of the greatness of HY when he says, on the contrary - "Just the reverse. If it is so, that Hashem Yisburach can indeed do such a thing, that they should exchange a king's son, and such things should befall him - do I turn myself to behave this way?! Is it right, what I have done? Does it befit me that I should behave thus, the way I have done?" And he began to have great anguish and strong remorse over the evil deeds he had done. 

[certainly today we can see HY's greatness, with JB et al...]

When contemplating HY one can interject every so often a technique used in hypnosis, stating in the mind or out load, double or ten times stronger.

One chasidic master upon contemplating the greatness of HY was seized with so much fear, all but two of his teeth fell out, and he referred to those teeth as the wicked ones....

Rabbainu was always shaking from fear of HY, so much so, that when he rested his hand on the table, it also shook, as did the people leaning on it.

May we merit, in merit of the holy Petek Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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