
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

From Barbaria to Israel


Enoash, the grandson of Adam, lived in the years 235-1140. In his days the people began worshiping the constellations. HY warned and punished them by flooding a third of the world (-also faces began to resemble monkeys, the mountains became rocky and unplowable, the dead began to decompose, and people became open season for the damagers). In the medrash (rabba 23:7) the rabbis say that there were actually two floodings, Rabbi Yuden and Rabbi Avuhoo and Rabbi Eliezer in the name of Rabbi Chaneena said, the first rose till Akko and Yafo, and the second rose to the hands of Barbaria. Rabbi Chananya and Rabbi Acha in the name of Rabbi Chaneena said, the first one reached Barbaria, and the second reached Akko and Yafo.

Those warning went unheeded until the necessity for the great flood.

Noach lived 1056 - 2006, the flood was in 1656 (right after the passing of Mesueshelach, the son of the grandson of the grandson of Enoash, and the grandfather of Noach).

HY swore the Jews not to bring redemption before the time, the punishment for transgressing this oath RL: their flesh will be open season like the dear and gazelles. 

Recently we experienced something that fits the description of punishment abandoning the flesh of the Jews to complete Barbaraia. 

Thank G-d it was contained, the aspirations of the barbarians was much much greater, but they got ahead of themselves and lost themselves in their blood and sexual lusts, and forfeited their larger plan.

There are some Jews that maintain that having a state of Israel is a violation of the oath. Most Jews follow the ruling of the Avnay Nezer and other rabbis who decided that since the gentiles themselves gave Israel to the Jews, it is ok. This is a huge topic, books have been written on it.

Rabbi Tzadok Hakohen, most famous for the references he provided for Rabbi Nachman's Sefer Hamidos - Book of Character, wrote in his sefer Tzidkus Hatzadik, that even though previously when the Jews seized power and independence prematurely, they were wiped out (see e.g. Numbers 14:44), in the end of days the Jews will succeed with holy brazenness to attain independence - and it will accepted by HY. That which the holy Sages said that in the times of Messiah - chutzpa will proliferate - will come to fruition even to the extent that the Jews will prevail in there autonomy.

After the flood, in the year 1996 from creation, the people united, all using the holy tongue - Hebrew, to build the tower of Babel, in an attempt to make sure there would never be another flood. HY dispersed them and divided them into seventy different languages.

Following kind of on theme of R. Tzadok, and viewing the recent massacre as an aspect of the flood, even if only the aspect of the flood of Enoash which forebode the great flood RL, now the Jews must go on to rectify the tower of babel, and have unity, with the holy tongue of Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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