
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Why we are seeing only now the great drive for tzitzis

BH finally I figured out the correlation. As they say in Hebrew, nufal haaseemon - bingo.
The desecration of the sanctity of the Tefilin, mostly by one particular cult who erased from their manuals all the laws which demand the wearer to have a pure mind (no thinking about women etc.) and body (no passing gas. Washing hands ritually at least at some point after waking up), because they maintain a philosophy that it is worth it to desecrate the Tefilin in order to reach out to save souls. The true action to take would be to first immediately give those souls tzitzis which have such a holiness that they can't be desecrated, they are even worn in the bathroom, they are in fact the aspect of the song of the future, single double triple square. About a decade ago there was a small initiative by one fraudulent rabbi to give out tzitzis, and maybe some others. Only now in this present war to obliterate hamas, there has been an all out drive to get everyone tzitzis, BH finally. All this I've written previously.
The correlation to the current events is remarkable. Since time immemorial the Jews have tolerated to a great degree the occasional random terrorist attacks. They tried to limit them etc. but they basically despaired of ever being free of them, and did their best to live as best as they could despite them. This is like wearing the Tefilin, occasionally passing gas or thinking something unholy RL.
Only now in this war against hamas when everyone is saying enough, they don't want to continue living with the occasional random terror, they want to root it out and be done with it for good. Ah BH this is the realisation that the first step to take is tzitzis.
Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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