
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

No Praying to End the Biden Inflation - tomorrow's daf yomi Kesuvos 106


Today the world is under great duress, the eco terrorists, leftists, wokists, and warmongers have been working hard to destroy all order and good. The economy is deteriorating and inflation is sky rocketing, the cost of living is becoming ever so much more expensive. We must pray and do whatever we can to combat their evil ideologies, systems, and practices, but we do not pray for G-d to simply bring relief. This is a statement in the Talmud, Kesuvos 106a, which is passed off as a given that Elisha did not pray for relief in the time of Divine wrath - at the time of famine, the time of the famous miracle when 22 loaves of bread sufficed for 2200 of his students, a loaf for a hundred. The commentaries ask that we know very well that when there is suffering in the world, and when there is no rain, we are definitely supposed to be praying for relief, and the Maharsha explains that when it is not an all out famine, just limited amounts of food and extreme inflation, that is a time of Divine wrath, not a time for prayer. Just when the famine or hardship is so severe that it threatens to wipe everyone out, that requires prayer.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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