
Thursday, February 2, 2023


In Torah 82 Tinyana Rabbeinu discusses the topic of shelo k'seder ("not in order"): when nothing goes right for a person, when all their plans get ruined. Rabbeinu explains that this happens because a person has become disconnected from Hashem and wants to be king over their life without taking the Will of the real King into account. The solution for this is to do teshuvah, to humble oneself before Hashem and to wholeheartedly accept His authority, and then things will go right once again.

But what exactly is this "things going right"? Does it necessarily mean that the actual situation will change? Or will the person realize that everything is already k'seder (okay) exactly as it is? After all, if this is the Will of Hashem, how can it possibly be wrong?

Of course, having things go one's way is a much nicer option than making peace with what is. Or maybe not. Today I read one of my favorite stories about Reb Noson, and this time it really hit home. 

Once a group of Reb Noson's followers came to visit him, and one of the group was absent. Reb Noson asked about him, and the other followers answered that this time he couldn't make it. Reb Noson said, "I'm happy that he didn't come." They asked, "And if he had come, what would you say?" And he answered, "I'd say that I'm happy that he came!"

When a person really has this attitude, they live a life of constant k'seder no matter what happens.

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