
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Songs for the Talmud - half way through

HH Mazal Tov!
Tractate Kedushin page 39 is the half way point of the Babylonian Talmud. Today I merited to make a song from some excerpt of every single page of the Talmud to past the half way point! Unfortunately the songs do not have musical accompaniment. At the beginning I was uploading the songs to my youtube channel, but as their evil began to be unbearable I moved over to rumble, all my new videos go to rumble.
May HY bless and merit me to complete the entire Talmud with a song for each page.
Perhaps this is worthy of Guinness, but generally speaking they don't deal with songs because it is hard to qualify what is considered a song.

There are 2711 pages, half way is 1356.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN

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