
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Three sets of yichudim corresponding to the three reasons of creation


This post is a continuation from the three reasons of creation: NaNach: Three reasons God created the world (

These three reasons parallel the three sets of yichudim the Ramchal revealed and delineated[1]. The first set of yichudim the Ramchal says cover most of the kavanoas we have from the Arizal. These pertain to yichudim that happen in the world of Atzeelus (- Divine), where basically everything is united already, and everything is complete and perfect, so it works by itself, and therefore this is not the main area of our kavanoas.

The third and main set of yichudim is to unite the neshama of creation with HY. This of course is complete abnegation to the Ain Soaf blessed He. In order to effect this ultimate yichud a second set of yichudim is required. This is achieved through the historic true tzadikim who lived with the Divine Presence, and thus through them the Divine Presence can be as the neshama to creation, the creation being the body.


The first set of yichudim can correspond to the first reason the Ramchal presented for the creation of the world – to give expression of His descriptive titles. Here all the yichudim taking place are the workings of the Divine Attributes and their manifestations.


The second set of yichudim can correspond to the second reason the Ramchal presented for the creation of the world – to do goodness to His creation. This set of yichudim is the ultimate stature of the righteous – having the Divine Presence as their neshama.


The third set of yichudim can correspond to the third reason the Ramachal presented for the creation of the world – to manifest His unity. In this set of yichudim all of creation abnegates itself to the unity of HY, and His unity reigns supreme.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

[1] End of Kitzur Hakavanos, Adir Bamaroam, and elsewhere.

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!