
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The holy kibutz in Israel

 HH Rabbainu revealed the power of the 'kibutz' when holy souls get together, each soul that joins multiplies their power exponentially,  1 =1, 2 = 2, 3 = 6, 4= 24, 5 = 120, 6 = 720, and so forth, very quickly the number becomes to huge to fathom, and the tzadik can rebuild this world and other worlds with them. BH this year tens of thousands were in Uman, so there is great hope.                                           

The zionists appreciated the Breslov kibutz, and so they applied the name kibutz to the communities they built. This is not for nothing. The main kibutz is obviously by Rabbainu, in Uman, but everywhere holy souls get together there is an aspect of the kibutz, and secondary to the main kibutz by Rabbainu, is the kibutz of all the Jews in Israel. Recently we suffered a tremendous tragedy and loss of thousands from the kibutz in Israel, a tremendous retrograde. Also recently over 300,000 Jews returned to Israel, to strengthen the kibutz. The exponential power of another 300k to the kibutz is unfathomable, and we already see tremendous manifestations of this, everyone is talking about the great spirit of unity even between the most diverse elements of society - something familiar to anyone who merited to be in Uman. There is an increasing yearning to do something good for others, and to do a mitzva joyously, and so much more. BH this is just the beginning. Thousands of soldiers already have the holy petek and kamaya in their name tags! BH Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!