
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Moshe Rabbainu and Pinchas

When Zimri took Kuzbi, Moshe Rabbainu was crying, Pinchas came and said to kill them.
When (normal) parents see their children nude, or any normal person seeing young children, there is just innocence. That's what Moshe saw, but since he saw it being corrupted he was crying.
The Sages say, how is it that Moshe didn't get up and react just as he had done in other instances, because since it was sin, that obviously distorts and perverts the innocence, and Moshe Rabbainu should have reacted. They answer, it was for Pinchas to come to his potential and reward. That was left for Pinchas. If Moshe would have reacted he simply would have removed their souls. But the lower paradigm had to be played out with Pinchas.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!