
Monday, March 20, 2023

The Nanach Guide to Time Travel


This is something I started writing in November 16, 2020 but never got around to finishing it, and now is not the time yet....

Another tangent to this, also just the start: NaNach: The Nanach Guide to the Galaxies (

Nanach Guide to Time Travel

The Nanach travel through time effortlessly. They are not phased by the Novikov paradox which puts the probability of time travel at zero, stopping the hitchhikers from getting anywhere in time, Rabbainu said there is no despair at all, and the Nanach can yet put a probability on this as well, and in fact as you will see Rabbainu will have us achieve this daily. Rabbainu in fact said (Likutay Moharan 2:61) that there is no time (later physicists try to echo this truth, but they simply don't have the daas, they work with matter and motion, but what is matter without daas)

Nor are the Nanach hindered by the Grandfather paradox (-going back in time can alter and even render one's future existence impossible), after all the Nanach have Saba - the Grandfather himself, and Rabbainu is Saba DiSaban, the Grandfather of all Grandfathers!

Nor are the Nanach worried about the Fermi paradox to bother with problems of free will, Rabbainu said that the paradoxes exist only in our paradigm but we are surrounded by peripheries where these very paradoxes are not contradictions. We simply must access some of our peripheries and we are no longer constrained to the monotony of the average hitchhiker.

#finiteimprobabilitydrive #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxies #finiteimprobabliity #nanachguidetothegalaxies #travel #spacetravel #spiritualtravel #fearofGod #fearofheaven #awe #breslov #rabbinachman #nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #timetravel #travelintime

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!