
Monday, May 8, 2023


The letters that make up the word "תהלים" (Tehillim), if rearranged, spell "למיתה" ("to death").

This probably means that reciting Tehillim can make one dead to this world, which, according to Rabbeinu, doesn't even exist (see Torah 119 Tinyana) . Once we've become totally uninterested in all its temptations, we can  start living for and, to some extent, in the Next World. This is entirely possible, if we would only believe Rabbeinu and follow his advice. And, of course, say Tehillim.

1 comment:

  1. HH
    also the holy books point out that the word תם - יעקב איש תם, is the reverse of מת. this is what our Sages revealed Yaakov did not die...
    Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!