
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The world is being enslaved in the servitude of Egypt

For thousands of years the Jews were persecuted, and constantly schemes were plotted against them. Previously on this blog I brought the verse from Psalms, Praise Hashem all the nations because His kindness surmounted upon us - because only the gentiles know the extent of how much they conspired against the Jews, so only they can appreciate the grandness of the salvations.
In recent years it seems that this phenomenon of being the target of persecution has spread out to the world in general, as we have seen the some of the conspiracies of the elite exposed. 
One of the earliest steps that was taken to enslave humanity was having the women enter the work force. Not so long ago it was possible for the average family to live comfortably off the husband's salary, and the wife was free to run their home. The elitists saw to it that now for the most part both spouses need to work.
Our Sages revealed that one of the major factors of the slavery in Egypt was the reversal of the roles of men and women. This is what looks like is happening now. First the women are brought to work like men, and then the men are stripped of their masculinity. The Zohar says a man without a beard is an aspect of a woman, and today the men have much much more in common, and it culminates now with outright transgenderism. 
Those who keep the holy ways of Na NaCh, have already been freed from Egypt. They live free, while those who don't are becoming increasingly enslaved.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 


  1. Could it be that right now in Chareidi circles we're witnessing the same reversal of roles as during the slavery in Mitzraim (when the wife works and the husband doesn't)?

  2. HH
    maybe, but there are many factors. some work can be cut out for women. the whole chapter of Aishes Chayil extols her for her work. The question would be is he husband really working - avodas HY....


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!