
Friday, June 16, 2023


In many places throughout "Likutei Moharan", Rabbeinu speaks about elevating Hashem's honor or making it complete. In practice, this means passing all honor on to Hashem without taking any for yourself.

On the surface, this looks simple enough: you achieve something, so people praise you or honor you in some other way. Your task in this case is to shrug your shoulders and say, "I can't take any credit for this. Without Hashem's constant help, this would never be possible." What's more, you should really feel this, and this is much harder.

But what about people who never achieve anything and so are almost never praised? They don't get any honor that they could pass on to Hashem, so does this mean that they don't have any part to play?

Not at all. What such people can and should do is freely acknowledge, both to themselves and to others, "The mere fact that I'm still afloat is only due to constant Siyatta Dishmaya. Without it, I would have drowned in my problems a long time ago."

What's more, they should try hard to avoid any bitterness, "So the only thing that I have to show for myself is that I'm still there! And even that is only because Hashem is helping me." Instead, they should feel satisfaction and gratitude because in this way they, too, get to play a part in this glorious process of elevating Hashem's honor. Because, at the end of the day, this is the only thing that matters.

1 comment:

  1. Loosers / dummies is all on other people's eyes.For Hashem we are "The only beloved son".Nothing matters.
    May be to feel it indeed , to be OK with it is "elevating Hashem's honor"


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!