
Friday, June 16, 2023


 As I wrote in a previous post, in Torah 14 Rabbeinu shows that there are two very different ways of serving Hashem and of elevating His honor. One of them is for people who, due to various reasons, aren't complete and whole. In Rabbeinu's time, this was usually because of their sins, but nowadays this is just as likely to be a result of an unfortunate background. Because of this incompleteness, Rabbeinu calls such people "palga", which means "half" in Aramaic.

Their way of elevating Hashem's honor is by fighting various obstacles that keep them away from holiness and by striving to advance no matter what. Rabbeinu compares such obstacles to the Jordan River that stands in the way of those who want to reach Eretz Yisroel.

Perhaps we can find a hint about the right way to relate to all those obstacles in the word "פלגא" ("palga") itself. Its letters, when rearranged, spell "אף גל" ("no wave"), as in, "there is no wave that can stop me". If we really want to come close to Hashem, then there is nothing, not even the mighty Jordan River, that can stand in our way.

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!