
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Ascending anew over the evil inclination

HH reoccurring depression and attacks of lust.... One feels oh no not this again! Will I never be free GF?!
Rabbi Nachman says, big mistake. Every second HY is creating the world completely new, and you have a completely new chance and start at life. The depression that is hitting you is making you feel that this is just a continuation of what you suffered and there is no end (this is the way of the fraudulent rabbis...), But the truth is you have risen to a higher level, you have in fact vanquished the depression and lusts of the lower level, and now that you have ascended the evil renews its onslaught according to the new level. Pay close attention to realize how in fact now you are much stronger and the despair much more external and weaker! Now you are living on a higher level and have so much more hope to go even higher. (Even regarding physical pain Rabbainu advised his daughter similarly, to visualize how the pain became slightly less, and then lesser, until it disappeared, and the main thing is joy).
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!