
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The call for Messiah is like saying uncle


Sadly the exile has now been almost 2000 years, it can't go on much longer. HY sent us Rabbi Nachman who reinforced us with his message that there is no despair in the world whatsoever. Unfortunately however many are on the verge of despair, that's when you hear them calling out, Messiah. It is like saying uncle. 

זה מה שכתוב בפרשת בהר על מלך המשיח - או דודו או בן דודו!

BH there is no need to despair, thank God we have broad shoulders to rely upon - Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman, he has won and will win. His teachings are the highest, what can be higher than speaking privately directly with HY?! In fact in Hebrew, the word speaking is the same word as Messiah. Right now we can already enact the ways of Messiah, but screaming out for Messiah is the antithesis of everything Messiah is about. Rashi in the end of Kesuvos says that it is even forbidden to pray too much for the coming of Messiah. Messiah transcends time, so there is no despair by him, and to get with his spirit one has to follow the holy teachings of Rabbainu who set the way for his coming, may it be soon, amen. 

Even still there is a fundamental avoda very much contingent on Messiah, as the Ramchal writes in a letter answering a challenge – why he constantly wrote about Messiah even though he knew full well that the contemporary rabbis were engulfed in fear that he was messianic. ואכמ"ל.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!