
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Don't eat alone

Our Sages revealed the importance of the table which atones like the alter, mainly refering to feeding others. Already the Torah and the prophets castigate celebration of holidays which do not include the destitute and the underprivileged. Here I will not elaborate on this.

Thus it is very appropriate and worthy, everytime one sits down to eat, to share one's food with others. If this isn't possible, one can set aside charity.

Unfortunately too often even giving some charity proves to hard, so it is a good idea to at least take a minute to acknowledge this and to pray for the others to have all their necessary provisions.


Master of the World, holy merciful One, really I should be expending time, effort, and money to procure guests to eat with me, unfortunately I have not merited to do so, and so at the very least I pray for all of Israel that everyone has abundance of food, and all the clothing and shelter they need.

Now continue to say Psalms for some amount of time, or a certain number of Psalms, for the merit of Israel that everyone should have ample provisions.

Na NaCh NaChMa NaChMaN MAyUMaN 

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Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!