
Wednesday, December 28, 2022


There is a saying (the origins of which remain unclear) that "Noam Elimelech" is the book of tzaddikim, "Tanya" is the book of beinonim (those in the middle), and "Likutei Moharan" is the book of reshaim (evildoers).

I know that many people don't like this idea, but it recently occurred to me that this is actually the greatest praise of Rabbeinu possible: it means that with his teachings, he is able to reach and to help people that no one else can help. It's like the best doctor who only takes the most difficult cases.


  1. HH it is for sure a praise. Even though Rabbainu's holy book is for everyone, even the greatest tzadikim etc..
    Beinoanim should be taken to mean - mediocrity... unfortunately.

  2. As far as I know, "the book of tzaddikim" is the one studied least of all. There are gemachs of "Noam Elimelechs" because keeping this book under the pillow is a segulah for an easy birth. But I don't think even one of those women ever so much as opened it.
    This probably means that none of us are tzaddikim, and we don't really need the stuff meant for them.


Thank G-d for Na Nach!!!