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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

שנים עשר דברים שאלו אנשי אלכסנדריא - שיר נ נח למסכת נדה דף סט

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Monday, December 30, 2019

והלכתא אשה חופפת ביום וטובלת בלילה - שיר נ נח למסכת נדה דף סח

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אבוה דשמואל עבד לבנתיה מקוואות - שיר נ נח למסכת נדה דף סז

#dafyomisongs #dafyominanach #talmudicsongs #dafyomi

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Listen to your messages

HH the Talmud (Bava Kama 60) says that calamity doesn't come to the world, except when there are wicked in the world, and it doesn't begin (anywhere) only from the righteous first, as it says "When a fire goes out and finds thorns," when does fire go out? When there thorns are readily found for it, and it only begins, only from the righteous firs, as it says (ibid), "and a heap of produce was consumed," it doesn't say, 'and it (the fire) consumes a heap of produce', rather, "and a heap of produce was consumed," that the heap of produce (alluding to the righteous) was already consumed (-smitten with calamity).

About a month ago a fire consumed the house of our righteous Nanach friend - 46 Forshay Rd., but the wicked did not take heed, and the calamity hit 47 Forshay Rd, may HY heal and save them and everyone.

In recent years the fraudulent rabbis have been promoting a terrible falsehood that one should joyously thank HY for all the hardships - #thankyouHashem. This is against the Torah and is a big chutzpah against G-d. It is true that we must bless HY even for the hardships, and for this we say: Baruch Dayan HuEmess, and we take upon ourselves to have full faith in HY that all is for the best, but we definitely must not rejoice over them. Our Sages revealed that in the future when it will be apparent that all the bad is really for the best, then we will praise HY even for the bad - that is in the future when it will be apparent, until then it is very wrong. It is wrong for many reasons, not just because it is not true, but also because it is mocking Gd. Imagine someone disciplining a child, wishing to hurt the child as least as possible only to impart the lesson, and the child revels in laughter, defeating the whole purpose of the message and incurring the need for much more wrath GF.

Resh Lakish (Megilla 31) says it is forbidden to bless on calamity. Tosfos explains there, because HY is with us in our hardships and therefore it is totally inappropriate to bless HY in such circumstances.
See also Shabbos (118b): Someone who says hallel every day is as if he blasphemes and curses G-d, and Rashi explains because the praises are for special occasions, and by saying them every day he is making a mockery of them, see there. From this we can deduce how much more so the mockery is by thanking for the bad, and this is therefore like blasphemy and cursing G-d, may the Holy Merciful One save us!

One time, when Rabbi Nussun was first drawing close to Rabbainu, and they were eating together at the table, Rabbainu belittled Rabbi Nussun (Yimay Moharnat, end of article 3), and Rabbi Nussun just continued eating, so Rabbainu turned to him again and said "Like that?" - because when one is shamed he stops eating... So Rabbainu said to him, "If it's truly like that I tell you and instruct you, do not eat!" (Siach Sarfay Kodesh 2:684)

People have told me of miraculous salvations that they attribute to praising HY for their suffering, and I have no doubt that any such deliverance is the working of the satan (as explained in Tractate Avoda Zurah 55, that satan runs such schemes of salvations, leading people to believe and follow forbidden practices thinking that they are beneficial GF) who revels in seeing people turn their backs to the truth and the messages of HY, and literally go insane (as explained in the beginning of Likutay Moharan that satan is out to make people literally insane).

So these fraudulent rabbis promote this terrible falsehood of not acknowledging the messages of HY, and promoting abandon free-for-all as if for the sake of Heaven, may HY save us.

The main lesson we should take to heart here, is to strengthen ourselves to spread the holy teachings of Rabbainu, and most important his awesome name Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman which will elevate all of Israel and all that is holy and protect from and destroy and decimate all that is unholy. Perhaps is we would have sent that neighborhood just one holy Nanach book, or even just one Nanach sticker, or if someone would have had the holy brazenness to tag Nanach somewhere in the area, this whole calamity would have been prevented. Take heart and take action!

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

צריך להודיע צערו לרבים ורבים מבקשים עליו רחמים - שיר נ נח למסכת נדה דף סו

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Monday, December 23, 2019

ילד וזקן שהיו מהלכין בדרך - שיר נ נח למסכת נדה דף ס

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Saturday, December 21, 2019

נבואה של הרמח"ל שבסוף הימים יקום צדיק בענין הקיווי - שאין שום יאוש בעולם כלל - נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן


רזין גניזין
ע' עיטרין לכבוד המלך, עטרא תמניא ועשרין (עמוד רנז)
ות"ח כתיב לישועתך קויתי ה' (בראשית מט:יח) דא למשה אתמר וכו' וכו'דהא משה בעא לאתקפא ישראל בציפויא (-לשון קיווי) בגין לאשלמא להו, בגין כן לזמנין אנהיר נהורא דיליה ומיד אסתים. בגין כן וראו וכו' ומיד והשיב וכו' תב ואסתים. ודא "עד באו לדבר אתו", בסוף יומייא מלה קיימת, דייקום חד דקאים ברזא דציפויא, וביה משה אתלבש ומליל ביה בסתימו, בגין כן "אתו", דלא אדכר בשמא. וכדין ישראל ביה במתתקפין בציפויא דיליה. ואתמר ביה לישועתך קויתי ה'. וכדין תו לא אצריך דמשה יתדבר ברזא דסתים וגליא, כמה דהוה עביד, בגין ציפויא, דכבר אית חד בעלמא דעביד בגיניה, ויכיל לאתגלאה, דציפויא כבר אשתכחת, ע"ש.
והנה המתגרם שם כתב בסוגריים שהכוונה להרמח"ל שחיבר דרוש הקיווי וכן כל התפילות של התקט"ו תפילות שלו חתומים בפסוק זה, לישועתך קויתי ה'. ויתכן, ואם כן יש לומר שההתגלות של משה רבינו היה מיד אחריו עם רבינו נחמן. אכן יש לומר שהכוונה לרבינו, שאחד מעיקר לימודיו שבו הוא ידוע בכל העולם הוא ענין הקיווי – שאין יאוש בעולם כלל. ובזה אתי שפיר גם כן שרבינו מרומז במילה "אתו" בגמטריא רבנו נחמן ע"ה. אכן אם הכוונה לרבינו ק"ק שעוד לא ראינו אחריו התגלות של משה רבינו. ואולי הכוונה לסבא ישראל, כי: אין יאוש בעולם, ראשי תיבות: ישראל בער אודסר, ותיכף בעזה"י נזכה להתגלות של משה רבינו.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

פרשת וישב - אשת פוטיפר כוונתה לשם שמים


פרשת וישב לט:א רש"י כז"ל ועוד, כדי לסמו מעשה אשתו של פוטיפר למעשה תמר, לומר לך, מה זו לשם שמים אף זו לשם שמים, שראתה וכו' שעתידה להמעיד בנים ממנו, ואינה יודעת אם ממנה אם מבתה, ע"כ. שבתה כבר נולדה, כי אחר כך פוטיפר נסתרס, כמו שרש"י כתב בפרשת מקץ (מא:מה), וממילא מוכח גם כן שכוונתה היתה לשם שמים דומה לתמר, כי כאשר תיכנסי להריון על כרחך תהיה מוכח שזנתה, כי בעלה נסתרס, וכמו שהיה מוכח שתמר כביכול זנתה.

נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

אבא תרחם עלי - שיר נ נח באמצע הלילה מעל לטבריה והכנרת

#hisbodidus #mercy #tiberias #nanach #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman #rabbinachman #breslov

Friday, December 20, 2019

פשפש - bedbugs - שיר נ נח למסכת נדה דף נח

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 #dailydaf #talmud #rabbinachman #todaysdaf #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman  #nidda #breslov #nanach 

אין שונין בטהרות - שי נ נח למסכת נדה דף נח

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 #dailydaf #talmud #rabbinachman #todaysdaf #nanachnachmanachmanmayuman  #nidda #breslov #nanach 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

דבר תורה עור אדם כי עבדו טהור - שיר נ נח למסכת נדה דף נה

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Letter to the State Department of the United States


To whom it may concern:
The media has publicized that the U.S. State Department has issued a tender for one million dollars to combat antisemitism in Europe. Searching the website of the State Department, I wasn't able to find a directive of how to apply, so I am writing to you directly.

King Solomon the wisest of all men wrote in the Book of Ecclesiastes (7:9), that anger inhibits fools, and all the traditional books of ethics resound this principle that knowledge dispels anger and hatred. This is uncontested. The only question is how is it possible to educate and bring true knowledge, life lessons, to the masses.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov grappled with this very problems in the later years of his short life. For years he had been teaching his followers the most profound insights and yet he was not satisfied with their inculcation, and he felt that even with all that he had revealed and taught to them he had not made real progress in properly educating them in a way that the knowledge would actually transform them and elevate them. To this end Rabbi Nachman told them that he would now resort to telling them stories, and thus in the last few years of his life, as he ascended to attain the highest spiritual conceptions possible, he revealed a series of legendary tales called Stories of Ancient Times. These stories are enjoyed by young and old, they are entertaining and fascinating, even as they exude the most profound life lessons. The stories have been translated by the foremost scholars into many languages, and they are studied in universities around the world. Doctorates have been written on them around the world. Some academics who were privileged to learn directly from Rabbi Nachman were so awed and enthralled that they praised him to the Czar of Russia, and the Czar sent an invitation to Rabbi Nachman, but before it arrived, Rabbi Nachman had already passed away.  

Rabbi Nachman and his teachings are very well known throughout the world. The white house has been gifted with some of his books on more than one occasion. Recently a certain Rabbi Ephraim Stein related ( how President Jimmy Carter had received some books of Rabbi Nachman translated into English and had spent the entire night studying them with fascination. President Carter then called on Stein asking him to tell him more about Rabbi Nachman, and they discussed Rabbi Nachman for an hour. In the records of the Journal of the Senate, I found at least two instances where the senate was opened with a teaching and prayer from Rabbi Nachman (Tuesday, May 11, 2010: “While praying, listen to the words very carefully. When your heart is attentive, your entire being enters your prayer without your having to force it.” – with a prayer to this end; and, Tuesday, July 13, 2010: “Life makes warriors of us all. To emerge the victors, we must arm ourselves with the most potent of weapons. That weapon is prayer.” – with a prayer to this end.).

Teachings can be hard to give over, and maybe even subjective, the Stories however are universal and are readily disseminated. Recently some of the stories have even been made into movies (Here is the link to one:, there are many more).

For one million dollars we can probably print at least 1,200,000 copies of Rabbi Nachman’s Stories, we can make 400,000 copies in three different languages, and disseminate them to public institutions throughout Europe. There is no doubt that this will bring great healing and mending. The stories of Rabbi Nachman build character and give people depth and understanding. The stories of Rabbi Nachman restore faith in humanity, belief in goodness, and instill positive ambition and inspiration. The stories leave the reader with an awakened morality – not dictated or forced, but kindled from deep within. Let us hope and pray to get these stories out there, they will make the difference.

It would be amazing to get these stories out into the public schools in the United States as well. They would unquestionably put an end to a lot of the evils we are seeing perpetuated there.

Ultimately the good will prevail and all the bad will dissipate, the question is only who will merit to be a part of the conquest.

Please contact me for any further information or clarification, even if only for personal curiosity, it will be my pleasure to oblige.

Always with,
              Simcha Nanach