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Abraham was One - teaching in Likutay Moharan between volume 1 and volume 2



"Abraham was one" (Yechezkiel, 33). Abraham served G-d only by being one (i.e. alone); he thought of himself as being alone in the world and didn't take any notice of those who strayed from G-d and who prevent him from serving G-d, not his father or any other obstructers. He just thought of himself as though he were alone in the world. This is the meaning of "Abraham was one". So also, anyone who wants to enter the service of  G-d, it is impossible to do it other than by this aspect of thinking that there is no-one else in the world; he is unique. He shouldn't take notice of anyone who prevents him such as his father, mother, father-in-law, wife or children etc. He should also ignore obstructions from others who mock, entice or obstruct him from serving G-d.   He must not worry or think about them at all, rather he should fulfill "Abraham was one", as if he were alone in the world, as mentioned above.

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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