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Glossary - particularly for Revival/Restoration of the Soul - Meshivas Nefesh


Achitophel: Ahitophel; an advisor to King David who joined a revolt against him
Akum: The pagan gentiles
Amah: A unit of measurement, by one estimation 21.25 inches (53.98 centimeters)
Amidah: The silent devotion of primary importance in daily prayer services
Anochi: I
Apikores:  An atheist; a person with an orthodox Jewish education who becomes an apostate
Aravis: The evening prayer service
Ari: Rabbi Yitzchak Luria ben Shlomo Ashkenazi, 5294-5332 (1534-1572); the Kabbalist whose works form the basis of most Kabbalistic teachings today
Arichas apayim: Literally lengthening of the nose; patience, forbearance
Asiyah: Literally action; the material world, the lowest of the five universes
Atik: Literally ancient; short for Atik Yomin
Atik Yomin: Literally the Ancient of Days; when the Sferahs are manifested in the form of Partsufim [see the teachings of the holy Ari]; the Sferah of Keter is termed Atik Yomin
Avinu: Our father; the patriarch
Avraham: Abraham; the first of the three founding Patriarchs of the People of Israel
Avrech: Title of Yosef [Joseph] in Egypt; today, a married student in a yeshiva
Aychah: The Book of Lamentations
Ayeh: Where; a word with connotation of yearning
Ayheyeh: Literally I will be; a name for God
Ba’al Davar: The forces of evil
Ba’al teshuvah: Literally, the master of return; a nonobservant Jew who becomes observant; a Jew who becomes more pious or improves his ethical conduct
Baheres: White marks on the skin caused by tsara'at [a form of leprosy]
Bamidbar: The book of Numbers
Barechu: The Call to prayer in the morning and evening daily prayer service
Beis HaMikdash: The Temple in Jerusalem
Beis Midrash: Literally the house of study; a study hall for studying Torah
Bereshis: The Book of Genesis; the phrase “in the beginning”;  the Creation of the world
Bikurim:  The first agricultural produce of the year (following the holiday of Shavuos [the Festival of Weeks]) which is given to a Cohen in Jerusalem. The mitzvah applies to the Seven Types of Produce for Which the Land of Israel is Praised.
Bilaam: Balaam; in the Torah, a gentile mystic with great spiritual power who desired to curse the People of Israel, but was forced by God to bless them
Chanah: Hannah; the mother of the Prophet Shmuel [Samuel] whose prayer at the Tabernacle was used as a model for the method of prayer used in the Amidah
Chanukah: Literally dedication; the eight-day festival on which candles are lit commemorating the miracle of a day's worth of lamp oil lasting eight days which occured after the expulsion of the Seleucid Greeks from the Beis HaMikdash
Chariot: Certain spiritual powers which, when working in unison, allow for a full revelation of the Divine presence in the world
Chasid: A pious person; a member of the movement which developed from the teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov
Chesed: Benevolence, giving, loving kindness; one of the Sferahs
Chinuch: Education;  to make a dedication
Cohen: A descendent of the High Priest Aaron who are charged with sacrificial tasks in the Tabernacle and Beis HaMikdash
Counting of the Omer: The fifty-day period from the holidays of Pesach to Shavuos in which the quantity of an omer of grain was counted each day during the time of the Beis                                                                                                       HaMikdash
Da’at: Inner knowledge acquired when one's intellect is in proper connection with one's emotions
Deen: literally judgement; a decreed from Heaven that one must be held accountable for a sin
Devarim: The book of Deuteronomy
Diknah Kadishah: Literally the Holy Beard; certain spiritual powers relating to the Thirteen Rectifications of the Beard (which parallel the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy) that are symbolized by and embodied in the beard [see the teachings of the holy Ari]
Divrei HaYamim: The Book of Chronicles
Do’eg: An advisor to King Shaul [Saul] involved in the persecution of David by King Shaul
Eeyov: The Book of Job
Elul: The Hebrew month preceding the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukos
Emunah: Faith; nonintellectual knowledge similar to the aesthetic sense
Esav: Esau, the evil brother of the Patriarch Yaakov [Jacob]
Four Kingdoms: Four kingdoms mentioned in The Book of Daniel which rule over the People of Israel in their exile: (1) Babylonia, (2) Persia, (3) Greece, and (4) Rome (i.e. including their Christian successors)
Gett: A bill of divorce
Gevald: An interjection denoting a passionate crying out
Gevurah: Inner strength or stamina, forcefulness;  the strict aspect of Divine providence; one of the Sferahs
Ha’azinu: The song sung by Moshe (Moses) at the end of his life
Halachah: Literally going forward, figuratively Jewish law
Halel: A collection of Psalms sung on some holidays
Haramah:  lifting up
Hashem:  Literally the name;  a term for God
Hashem Yisborach: Literally the Blessed Name; a term for God
Havayah: Term for the Tetragrammaton which highlights God's association with the concept of being
Heh: A Hebrew letter equivalent to “h”
Hitbodedus: Literally being alone; spontaneous informal personal prayer recommended by Rabbi Nachman
Hoshea: The Book of Hosea
Itarutah de'la'ayla: Literally awakening from above; the service of God which one does after receiving a strong inspiration from Above
Itaruta de’latata: Literally awakening from below; the service of God which one does without receiving a strong inspiration from Above

Kadish: The Aramaic prayer said after Torah study, prayer services, etc.
Kadosh Baruch Hoo: Literally The Holy One blessed be He; a term for God
Kedushah: A recitation said in unison during group prayer which includes verses from the revelation of Yishiahu [Isaiah] and Yechezkel [Ezekiel]
Kedushin: The legal process of marriage
Keesay Demitkasaya: Literally the covered throne; a silent state linking one to the unfathomable (see Likutei Moharan I 6:3)
Knesset Yisrael: Literally the congregation of the People of Israel; the entirety of the souls of Israel which are an aspect of the Shechinah
Keter: Literally crown, or surrounding; the highest of the Sferahs; a superconscious level of mind
Ketorehs: Literally incense; incense of the Beis HaMikdash
Ketubah: Marriage contract enumerating the rights of the bride
Kitrug: Accusation from Heaven declaring that a person or group should soon be punished for some sin
Klal Yisrael: The totality of the People of Israel
Klipah: Literally sheath peel or shell of seeds or fruit; forms of evil
Koheles: The Book of Ecclesiastes
Lachem: to you
Lavan: Laban, the deceitful father-in-law of the Patriarch Yaakov [Jacob]
Levite: Members of the Israelite tribe of Levi charged with doing non-sacrificial tasks in the Tabernacle and Beis HaMikdash
Likutei Halachos: Main commentary on the Likutei Moharan written by Rabbi Nachman's most important disciple Rabbi Nosson of Nemerov
Likutei Moharan: Rabbi Nachman’s  main book of Torah teachings
Mah: Literally what; the name of God whose numerological sum is 45; the name is derived by calculating the numerological sum of the Tetragrammaton when the letters are written out as words using the letter Aleph
Makif: Literally something which surounds;  the aspects of one's own mind which lie beyond one's awareness and potentially can enter into one’s mind
Malachim: The Book of Kings
Malchus: Literally kingship; the lowest Sferah characterized by a complete capacity to receive
Mashiach: The Messiah
Mashiach ben David: Literally the Messiah who is the son (i.e. descendent) of King David, i.e. the primary Messiah (see Mashiach ben Yosef [Joseph])
Mashiach ben Yosef: Literally the Messiah who is the son (i.e. descendent) of Yosef (Joseph); the Messiah who precedes the main Messiah (Mashiach ben David); Mashiach ben Yosef's role is to make changes in the world that are preparatory to the arrival of Mashiach ben David
Micha: the prophet Micah
Midrash Rabbah: An important compendium of Midrashes
Midrash: Ancient commentaries on Biblical texts in the form of stories
Minchah: Literally a present; the daily afternoon prayer service named after the afternoon offering in the Beis HaMikdash
Minyan: A prayer quorum of ten men aged thirteen years or older
Mishley: The Book of Proverbs
Mitsraymah: To Egypt
Mitzvah: Literally, one of the 613 commandments of the Torah; a good deed
Mochin: The mind; one’s mental state
Moshe Rebeinu: Moses our Rabbi 
Musar: Literally ethics;  self-improvement teachings which contain criticism of wrongdoing
Nechemiah: Nehemiah
Olah: A sacrifice which was entirely burnt on the altar
Olas Tamid: A sacrifice offered twice daily in the Beis HaMikdash
Oreita De-Atika: Literally Torah From Ancient Times; the hidden depths of the Torah
Pagam habris: Literally defiling the covenant; denoting a man's spilling of the seed in any situation other than conjugal relations; any unclean thoughts
Pesach: The holiday of Passover
Pirkei Avos: Section of the Mishnah with ethical sayings
Rashi: Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, 4800-4865 (1040 -1105 CE), a  sage who wrote the most widely used commentaries on the Torah and Talmud
Rebeinu: Our rabbi; our teacher
Reshis: The beginning; first of all
Reshus harabim:  Open space used by the public
Reshus hayachid: Literally a private enclosure; a closed in area
Rosh Chodesh: Minor holiday celebrated at the beginning of every month, on or close to the appearance of the new moon
Rosh Hashanah: The New Year holiday observed in solemn communal prayer
Rosh Yeshiva: The Rabbi with chief authority at a yeshiva
Rut: The Book of Ruth
Sachar: Payment; reward
Samech Mem: Satan
Segulah: Hebrew vowel written as a three-dot triangle pointed upwards which denotes /ɛ/;  a charm whose source of power is mysterious
Seraph: A type of angel
Sever: Literally explanation; it connotes the good will received by someone offering an explanation
Sferah: In Kabbalah, one of the categories by which all being and awareness is categorized
Shacharis: The morning prayer service
Shechinah: The Divine presence in the world which is a feminine revelation of Divinity
Shema: The declaration said in the morning and evening: Hear O [People of] Israel, God is our Lord, God is one
She’ol Tachtios: The lowest level of the Underworld
She’ol: The Underworld
Shet: Seth, the son of Adam
Shever: Broken, breakage
Shir HaShirim: The Song of Songs, Canticles
Shlomo: King Solomon
Shmonah Esray: The Amidah
Shmos: Numbers in the Pentateuch
Shmuel: The Book of Samuel
Shoftim: The Book of Judges
Shulchan Aruch: The most widely used compendium of Jewish law
Sipurei Ma’asios:  Rabbi Nachman’s book of stories, Tales From Ancient Times
Sitra Achera: The force or forces of evil
Sukah: A hut roofed by branches built for the holiday of Sukos; a tractate of the Talmud dealing with that subject
Tablets of the Testimony: The two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments given to Moshe
Tamar: A date; a date tree
Tchum: Boundary beyond which traveling is forbidden on Shabbas
Tefilin: Two black leather boxes with leather straps. The boxes contain parchment with portions of the Torah. During prayer, one is attached to the forearm and the other set on the forehead.
Tehilim: Psalms
Temorah: Exchange, transformation
Teshuvah: literally, return; repentance and return to the proper path in the service of God
Tetragrammaton: The most exalted name of God written with the letters yud, heh, vav, and heh.  Today the name is not said out loud. The letters are an acronym for an esoteric name of God.
Thirteen Attributes of Mercy: God's words to Moshe (Vayikra 34:6-7) which correspond to God's thirteen traits of compassion, and which are said in prayer services to evoke God's mercy
Thirteen Rectifications of Diknah Kadishah: see Diknah Kadishah
Tolah: Literally a worm, used also to designate all the insects which Jews are prohibited to eat
Tzadik: In Chasidism, a person who has achieved an extraordinarily high spiritual level
Tzadikah: A female tzadik
Tzedakah: Charity
Tzitzis: Tied threads worn on the corners of garments with four corners
Vayikra: The book of Leviticus
World of Asiyah: The least spiritual of the five levels of the world; it constitutes the material plane
Yaakov: Jacob, the third patriarch of the People of Israel, also called Yisrael
Yechezkel: Ezekiel
Yehoshua : Joshua; the Book of Joshua
Yeshiva: Literally sitting; a men's Torah seminary
Yetzer ha’ra: The urge to do wrong
Yetzer: Abbreviation of Yetzer ha’ra
Yirmiahu: The Book of Jeremiah
Yishiahu: The Book of Isaiah
Yishmael: Ishmael, the son of Avraham and the brother of Yitzchak
Yisrael: The Jewish people
Yitro: Jethro, the father-in-law of Moshe
Yitzchak: Isaac, the second patriarch of the People of Yisrael
Yom Kippur Katan: Literally, the Small Yom Kippur; A day of fasting and repentance observed by some on the eve of Rosh Chodesh
Yom Kippur: The Day or Repentance; by fasting and repenting on this day God forbids Jews for all sins other than those committed against other people
Yonah: The Book of Jonah
Yud: A Hebrew letter equivalent to “y” or “e”
Vav: A Hebrew letter equivalent to “v” or “u”

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

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