of Key Tzaddikim – The Short List
Nachman revealed in his holy book Character (The Aleph Beth Book of
the Traits; entry of Tzaddik; 1:19): One whom the Holy One Blessed He
is important in his eyes, should write in a book all the names of the
tzaddikim, and the Tana'im (the sages who compiled the Mishna), and
the G-d fearing, for remembrance. And (ibid 2:20): Through mentioning
the names of the tzaddikim, one can bring changes in the creation,
that is to say, to change nature (do the supernatural). An indication
for this matter is: “These are the offspring (chronicles) of the
Heaven and the Earth (Genesis 1:1),” and “These are the names of
the Children of Israel (Exodus 1:1),” - syllogism [-gezaira shuvva
– the usage of the words “These are” in both passages is the
basis to apply what is found by one of them to the other]. Rabbi
Nussun explains further that by calling out the name of the tzaddik
one summons all the holiness, paradigm, and construct of that saint.
this end, Rabbi Nussun of Breslov compiled a book “Names of the
Tzaddikim” where he made a comprehensive list of the tzaddikim from
Adam to his own generation. This is a complete booklet which can take
a few hours to read. At the end of the book Rabbi Nussun writes that
for various reasons he was unable to document all the known
tzaddikim, and who ever desires to add, should do so, and he will be
blessed from Heaven. This was done, and an even more complete list of
tzaddikim was compiled and is readily available by the Breslov
Chasidim who take advantage of chanting these holy names constantly.
This latter version takes a few more hours to read.
sages taught when one tries to grab too much he ends up with nothing,
and seeing that the names of tzaddikim is a full book, this is very
imposing and heavy on a person, it became a task an activity of
itself, to recite the names, leaving it difficult for one to just
grab a little good when possible. Also, even though it is forbidden
to judge and compare tzaddikim, certainly certain tzaddikim play a
much greater role in our lives and in the running of the world, and
with the addition of all the tzaddikim that we revel
mentioning their names, we are forced to push off the mentioning of
the critical tzaddikim, so that even if a person has a regular
session everyday of reciting a portion of the holy names, he will not
be mentioning the critical tzaddikim very often.
I took the liberty of compiling a list of tzaddikim from Adam till
the giving of the Torah, and spanning the chain of the tradition of
the Torah throughout the generations, key instrumental tzaddikim.
This list does not come to exclude any other tzddikim G-d forbid. It
simply chooses tzaddikim that really stick out as playing a prominent
role in Judaism. And being that saying the name of a tzaddik only
takes a split second, I didn't suffice with a bare skeleton list, but
added many famous tzaddikim that greatly enriched our tradition even
if they weren't the absolute key foundations. The reader may decide
to add or subtract according to his views, and according to the time
he can allocate to their recital. It is a great blessing to be able
to welcome the memory of these tzaddikim into our lives every day.
Hevel, Shais, Chanoach, Misooshelach, Noach, Shaim, Aivehr, Avrohom,
Yitzchok, Yaakov-Yisro'el, {Sarah, Rivkah, Ruchel, Leah, Bilaah,
Zilpah}, Elee'ezehr (servant of Avrohom).
Yehuda (YHVH), Yissuchar (YHHV), Zevooloon (YVHH). [SOUTH:] Roovain
(VYHH), Shimoan (VHYH), Gud (VHHY). [WEST:] Efraye'im (HYVH),
Menasheh (HYHV), Binyumin (HVYH). [NORTH:] Dun (HVHY), Ushair (HHYV),
Naftolee (HHVY). Laivee. Yoasaif.
Amrum, {Yoacheved, Sehrach}, Moasheh Rabbainoo (Netzach, Hoad
of Z.A.), Aharoan (Master of the Matruneesa (Shechina); front of
Chuchma (Wisdom) and Beenah (Understanding)), {Miri'yum}, Nuduv,
Aveyhoo, Eluzar, Eetumar, Pinchas, Nachshon ben Ameenuduv.
Yehoashoo'a bin Nuin (Yesod\back of Chuchma and Beena of Nukva),
Kulaiv ben Yifooneh, Bitzalail ben Ooree ben Chur, Uhulee'uv ben
& JUDGES (Chuchma and Beena of Abba in Z.A.)> Eldud, Maidud,
Usnee'ail ben Kinaz, Aihood ben Gairu, Shamgar ben Anuhs, {Devorah
the Prophetess}, Burak ben Aveenoa'am, Geedoan (ben Yoa'ush), Toalu
ben Poo'uh, Yu'eer Hageeludee, Yiftach, Avtzun, Ailoan Hazivooloanee,
Avdoan ben Hillel Hapirusoanee, Shimshon Hageebor, Ailee Hakohen,
Shmoo'el Hanuvee (ben Elkunu ben Yiroochum ben Toachoo ben Tzoof;
Netzach), {Chana the Prophetess}.
& MINISTERS> Sha'ool, Yoanusun, Dovid ben Yeeshay (Malchus.
386- ShaFU), Bini'yuhoo ben Yihoa'yuda, Shloamoa, Assu, Yihoashufut,
Yihoa'ush, Oozeeyuhoo, Yoasum, Yichezkeeyahoo, Yoasheeyuhoo,
(moachin of Eema in Z.A.)> Acheeya Hasheeloanee (back of Netzach
and Hoad), Eleeyahoo (back of Hoad), Eleesha, Aidoa Hachoazeh,
Shima'ya Hanuvee, Nussun, Gud Hachoazeh, Yisha'ya, Yirmeeyah,
Yichezkel, Baruch ben Nooreeya, Hoashai'a, Yoa'ail, Umoas, Oavadya,
Yoanu, Meechu, Nachoom, Chabakook, Tzifanyu.
(men of) KINNESSES HAGIDOALU (the Great Assembly) (da'as from Abba in
Z.A.)> Chagee, Zicharya, Malachee, Danee'el, Chananya, Meeshu'el,
Azarya, Nichemya ben Chachleeyu, Mordechai Hatzadik, Bilshun,
Ziroobuvel, Ezra Hasoafehr, Matisyahoo Kohen Gadol Chashmoanay and
his sons. Shimon Hatzadik.
(Pairs) (da'as from Eema in Z.A.)> Antignoas Eesh Soachoa (from
the aleeya), Yoasee ben Yoa'ezehr Eesh Tzraidu – Yoasee ben
Yoachanun Eesh Yirooshula'yim, Yihoashoo'a ben Prachya – Neetaye
Hu'Arbailee. Yehooda ben Tabaye – Shimon ben Shetach. Shima'ya –
Avtalyon. Hillel – Shamaye.
(Yesod till Da'as, derech yireeda and derech aleeya for the
mekubalim. And also from Aba)> Yoanusun ben Oozee'el, R' Yoachanun
ben Zakaye, Shimon ben Hillel Hazukain. R' Nichunya ben Hakuneh
(Haichuloas of Yitzeera). R' Elee'ezehr Hagadol (530-TaKaL), R'
Yihoashoo'a, R' Yoasee Hakohen, R' Shimon ben Nisanel, R' Eluzar ben
Aruch, Rabee Akeeva (ben Yoasaif. AShTzH=396). R' Yishmu'el, R' Meir
(Bal Hanais), R' Yehooda, R' Shimon bar Yoachaye, R' Eluzar ben R'
Shimon, R' Pinchas ben Ya'eer, Rav Hamnoonu Saba, Rav Yeyva Saba, Rav
Nihoaroy Saba, R' Aba. Choanee Hamaagul, R' Chaneena ben Doasa,
Eleesha Bal Kinufa'yim, R' Nechemya, R' Eluzar ben Shamoo'a, Shimon
ben Azaye, Ben Zoama, Akavya ben Mihalalel, Masya ben Churush, R'
Tzudok, R' Yayshvuv Hasoafehr, Chootzpees Hamiturgaman, Rabee
Chananya ben Chacheenaye, R' Yehooda ben Dumu, R' Yehuda ben Buvu, R'
Yehuda ben Bisairu, R' Yehuda ben Taimu, R' Chananya ben Tradyoan, R'
Chananya ben Akashya, R' Tarfoan, R' Yoasee Hagleelee (ShiPU=386.
Left sidelock – E”L ShaD”Ai – of the left shoulder), R'
Yoachanun ben Broaku (A”V (72) Ba”N (52), KeDe”M – Ba”N in
achoora'yim minus Ba”N itself and Hai), R' Yoachanun ben Nooree
(=Emes (truth) with the inclusive), R' Yoachanun Hasandler, Admoan,
Soomchoos, R' Gamlee'el HaZukain, R' Shimon his son, R' Gamlee'el his
son, R' Shimon his son, Rabbainoo Hakadoash Rabee Yehooda Hanusee.
Rabee Afes, R' Chaneena ben Chumu, R' Cheeya.
(sages of the Talmud) (yineeka-suckling)> Rav, Shmoo'el, Rabee
Yanai, Bar Kapara, Rav Tachlaftu, R' Yoachanun, Resh Lukish, R'
Yihoashoo'a ben Laivee, R' Amrum, Ilfis, R' Hoasheeya, Rav Pupuh, Rav
Eedee bar Uvin, Rav Kroospidaye, Rabee Yeermiyu, R' Yichezkel, R'
Eluzar, R' Eluzar ben Pidus, R' Ada bar Ahava, Amaimar, Mar Zootru,
R' Zairu, Rav Misharsheya, Rav Zveed, R' Yitzchok, R' Yaakov, R'
Eelu'oy, Rav Safru, Rav Chisdu, Rav Hoonu, Rav Yehooda, Rav Nachman,
Rav Kahana, Rabu bar bar Chana, Rumee bar Chumu (Ne”R, 50th
Gate – Supernal Da'as in the root of Cain), Rabu, Rav Yoasaif,
Abaye'e, Ruvu, Riveenu, Rav Ashee, Mar bar Rav Ashee, Rav Amee, Rav
Asee, Rav Deemee, R' Uvin, R' Tanchoomu.
Savoara'oy (fetus)> Rabu Yoasaif, Rav Achoy Meebay Chuseem, Rav
Richoomee, Rav Shmoo'el biray diRav Avuhoo, Rav Seemoanu, Rav Ainu.
(in Z.A. after the rectification, and also of Aba and Ema before the
rectification of Z.A.)> R' Achoy Gaon, BiHa”G (Baal -author of,
Halachos Gedoaloas), Rav Nitooroy Gaon, Rav Saadya Gaon, Rav Shreera
Gaon, Rabainoo Gairshoam, Rav Haye Gaon, Rav Amrum Gaon, Rabainoo
Chananel, Rav Neeseem Gaon, Shmoo'el Hanagid.
(the first commentaries) (Poaskim – Z.A. after rectification of
Atik and Erech Anpin)> RI”F (R' Yitzchok Alfasee), R”Ee
Migash, RaMBa”M, RayeVi”D, RaMBa”N, RaShB”A, RITV”A, Ra”N,
Nimookay Yoasef, R' Yoasee Jijitilya, R' Avrohom Galantee, R' Meir
Ibn Gabay, the Chayat, R' Nussun bal Ha'Urooch, RI”Tz Gai'us,
Ra”Sh, R”Ee, Rabainoo Tam, RaSh”Ee (R' Shloamoa Yitzchukee), R'
Eluzar Bal Roakai'ach, Troomoas (R' Baruch bar Yitzchuk), Avoodruhum,
Eetoor (R' Yitzchuk), R' Yehooda Hachuseed, Rabainu Yoanu, MaHaRa”M
Meerootenburg, Ohr Zuroo'a (R' Yitzchuk), Agooda (R' Shmoo'el bireb
Tzudok), Rabainoo Bachya/Bachayai (two), Mordechai, R' Avadya
Bartenoora, Bal Hami'ohr, Troomas Hadeshen Rav Moashe Meekootzee
(Sma”G), Menoaras Hami'ohr – R' Yitzchuk Aboo'ab, MaHaRI”L,
ROa”Sh (R' Asher). (R' Yaakov) Bal Hatoorim, R' Yeroochim.
(later commentaries)> MaHaRSh”A, MaHaRShA”L, MaHaRa”L, R'
Yoasaif Cayeroa, R' Moashe Isserless, Livoosh (R' Mordechai Yafoa),
SiM”A (R' Yihoashoo'a Pollack), Ba”Ch (Rav Yoa'el bireb
Shmoo'el), Sha”Ch (R' Shabsaye Cohen), Ta”Z (R' Dovid Halaivee),
Mugain Avrohom, Bais Shmoo'el, RaMa”K (R' Moshe Cordeveeroa),
Raishees Chuchma (R' Eleeyahoo), R' Betzalel Ashkenazee, R' Yitzchuk
Lurya – AR”Ee Za”L, R' Chaim Veetal, R' Shimshon Ostropuler,
ShiLu”H (R' Yishaya Segel bireb Avrohom), RiMa”Z, Migaleh
Amookoas (R' Nussun Nuta), R' Moshe Chaim ben Yaakov Chai Lootzatoa –
RaMCha”L, R' Rifu'el Emanuel Chai Reekee ben Avrohom (Mishnas
Chaseedeem), Alsheech, Chuchum Tzvee, Ohr Hachaim, Chessed LiAvrohom.
R' Yisroel Bal Shem Toav, R' Tzvee, (R' Dov Bear) Magid of Mezhritch,
R' Avrohom Malach, R' Sholom Shachne, Degel Machane Efrai'im, R'
Baruch, Toaldoas Yaakov Yoasaif, R' Menachem Mendel Veetipesker, R'
Avrohom Kalisker, Noam Eleemelech, R' Zoosha, R' Pinchas Koritzer, R'
Nachman Hordenker, R' Yichel Michel Zilitchaver, Yoasher Divray Emes,
R' Tzvee Hirsch Ziditchaver, Divray Chaim, Hurav Rav Shmelka
meeNickelsburg. Choaze meeLublin, Yid Hakoadesh, Apter Rav (R'
Avrohom Yehoashoo'a Heschil), R' Laivee Yitzchuk ben Sara Sasha –
Berditchev, R' Meir meeParmishelin, Bal Hatanya, R' Aaroan Karliner,
R' Shloamoa Karliner, R' Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, Mai Hasheeloo'ach,
Bais Yaakov, R' Tzadoak Hakohen, R' Yisroel meeKozhnitz, Binay
Yisocher (R' Hirsch Eleemelech), R' Akiva Aiger, Neseevoas Mishpat.
RiSha”Sh – R' Sholoam Sharabee, ChEeD”U, R' Shalaom Shavzee.
Shlomo Carlbach.
Rabainoo Hakadoash Rabbi Nachman ben Simcha/Faige – Na Nach Nachma
Nachman MayOoman, Rabbi Nussun, Rabbi Naftolee, R' Shmoo'el Isaac, R'
Yitzchuk Yehooda meeTeplik, R' Yudel, R' Nachman meeTchehrin, R'
Nachman meeTulchin, his son R' Avrohom, R' Moshe Breslover, R'
Yisroel Karduner, R' Yisroel Dov/Ber Oadesser – Bal Hapetek.
Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman
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