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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Open your mind to the Infinite


Everyone wants to understand everything. Would it not be amazing to understand all the holy books of the Torah?! The Talmud and more importantly the Zohar and the Kabbalah. But given the choice of understanding everything on your level or receiving a revelation of a higher paradigm altogether, something so mind boggling that it would literally leave you gasping with tears flowing down your face and trembling, which would you choose?!
When a person prepares himself to study the Torah he must approach with that mindset - to be about to receive conception of something so grand and lofty that it will literally blow him away.
Perhaps this is an idea of Sukkos, which Rabbainu revealed in Likutay Moharan is prayer with all ones strength... In Proverbs it is written that one builds a house with wisdom, that is why on Sukkos we leave the house, those confining intellects, and we launch ourselves into the Sukka which resembles the way the Jews formatted themselves in the dessert under the guidance of Moshe Rabbainu, which is the way of receiving the highest levels of Divine Inspiration (as revealed by the Ramchal in Yichud Ha-yeeruh), holy realization of the Infinite One  - the Ain Sof BH.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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