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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Dr Baba Yahshua Nanach - INSTAGRAM star - check him out

BH this is just a small sample of the amazing music our new friend is pumping out, and now we are privileged to get longer renditions in the new whatsapp English Speaking Nanach group (anyone who would like to join - get in touch).
BH the good Dr. was so gracious as to write up a little summary of how he merited to draw close to our holy master Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman:

Dr. Baba Y’shua-Tzadik
I am frequently asked by individuals who are Yehudi as well as a host of curious onlookers from the sideline of my life,” How did I find Rabbi Nachman”? The truth is, I didn’t find Rabbi Nachman, he found me.
 Subsequent to retiring from my professional work in Fort Lauderdale Florida I prayed about the direction that my new life would take. In the apartment complex where I lived there was a significant Jewish presence. My neighbor Ethan was Jewish, he lived above me on the next floor with his son and another Jewish man that was his business partner. His son Zion and I became good friends, and even though Zion was significantly younger; we had affinity and were drawn to each other.  I play music and everyone in my building became accustom to hearing me play; including Zion and His father. Zion started to visit me and because an individual’s home reflects their heart, my interest in Judaism was obvious; it was clear that I was investigating Judaism and felt Hebraic. For many years, I studied the Hebrew letters independently but did not know the Nikudot. I obtained an English siddur that was given to me by my Jewish mentor Dr. Ralph Haller which I read daily. I focused on the Shema, and the Amidah. Every Friday evening in my home my wife lights the Shabbat candles and makes the appropriate blessing.  
Allow me to digress for a moment! Until meeting Ethan and his sons, Dr. Haller had been the only Jew that I met who was willing to share with me the wisdom inherent in Judaism.  Moreover, he was friendly, compassionate, interesting. I met Ralph in 2003, when I joined the faculty at South Carolina State University. When I joined the faculty, Ralph and I became dear friends, we have maintained a deep spiritual relationship until to date. When I met Ralph, I only knew The Shema. However, over the course of next fifteen years, Ralph would expose me to the interior of Judaism. He invited me to his orthodox synagogue, visit a reform Temple, attend a Seder, give me a tallit katan, gadol, and kippah; introduced me to the Amidah, and gave me Tefillin and accompanied me on my first trip to Israel in 2013.
Meeting Zion was an encounter with the profound inner spiritual dimension of Judaism. My friend Ralph was an academic, and intellectual, and eventually professed that he was an Atheist. Zion was the product of a religious family. He was very knowledgeable of Torah, and Judaism. He wanted to learn piano, and I wanted him to teach me about Judaism. Each day he could come to my apartment so we bonded as brothers.   Zion was adamant, I should learn how to read the Siddur in Hebrew only. However, I only know the consonants, so Zion introduced me to the Nikudot; which I studied and eventually mastered. I was introduced to a Rabbi, whom I felt was giving me the run around about conversion. So, I shared my frustration with Zion’s Father Ethan who suggested that I go directly to Israel for an authentic spiritual experience.  He put me in touch with his son Sholomie who lives in Holon Israel.  I eventually flew to Israel, met Sholomie and his Mother and grand-parents.  Sholomie took me to Tzfat to the mikvah of The Ari, and then to Meron at the RASHBI’s mikvah. Sholomie thoroughly reviewed the meaning of the Brit which is sexual purity. Afterward he introduced me to the Tikkun Haklali as a rectification for blemishing the Brit and gave me an interlinear translation. He introduced me to Hitbodedut by taking me into the woods at night for prayer. Finally, although Ralph has given me Tefillin he did not show me how to properly use them. Sholomie and his Kodesh grandfather taught me in how to lay tefillin. I stayed with his family for two weeks before returning home. I returned home spiritually empowered with knowledge and practice of the Tikkun Haklali, Hitbodedut, and how to lay Tefillin. Sholomie and I stayed in touch as he sought to ensure that I was actively engaged in what Ha shem had revealed. His brother Zion and I, a few months later flew to Uman to meet Sholomie for Rosh Hashana. In Uman I asked Rabbi Nachman for confirmation that he was my Rabbi. I asked for the ability to fluently read my Siddur in Hebrew. I was asked to sing Ana B’koach while in Uman and I did it as a gift to Rabbi Nachman. Interestingly, during my visit to Uman, I repeatedly met individuals in Uman who would say, “Rabbi Nachman loves you very much. 

I am a skilled musician, and for several years previously played music in and around the city of New Orleans. I played the Jazz and Heritage Festival for seventeen years and recorded two CD’s Eventually I became completely disillusioned with music, musicians, and the business of music, it all seemed to be an arena of darkness that Ha Shem would not permit me to enter. One night in 2001, after I played a concert in the superdome, I decided to simply stop performing publicly with a band, the cost exceed the rewards.  However, upon returning from Uman in 2015, I felt that I should use my musical gifts in a sacred context. I was inspired to sing the single, double, triple, quadruple song of redemption and elevate the name and teaching of Rabbi Nachman. I have been blessed to travel to Israel five time to visit sacred places. Most recently Chanukah 2018 I visited Tzfat to pray for direction and placement.  My journey into holiness is only beginning. I look forward to continuing the Na Nach journey that I have begun. I am grateful to Ha Shem for appointing me to sing and play for such a laudable and great soul as Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Baruch Ha Shem!
Dr. Y’shua Yisrael

Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman

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